Wednesday 3 February 2021

From PaulSS: [Shrine] Druids doing unspeakable things to goats (40pts)

I've been a bit slack on the painting front of late, so I thought that a religious ceremony may help me get my mojo back.

Shrine: Dearly beloved Challengers, let us bow our heads, and create … a religious-themed entry in this chamber. A model which is worshipping, praying, genuflecting, preaching, pilgrimaging, scourging, crusading, venerating … or maybe just visiting parishioners for tea. Clerics welcome!

As Terry Pratchett said, "you can tell it's for religious purposes as there is a channel to carry the blood away."

I picked up this piece in the sale at my local game store and think that it will fit nicely into my Age of Arthur collection that has been long neglected.

The figures are from Westwind and are from the "Druids Making a Sacrifice (SHS) with rock & goat" set.

This year, I managed to sneak in to my challenge entries ducks, chickens, dogs, horses and now a goat is added to the ensemble, maybe a side duel for next year could be undertaken.

If we count the goat on a rock as the same as a 28mm figure then with the location bonus this will add 40 points to my total.


  1. Great painting of the cloth especially.

  2. good old PTerry, how I miss him! Great vignette and I do hope it helps you find your mojo back!

    1. Thanks Sander, he is indeed very missed in my house. I did get some mojo back and have done a few hours painting since

  3. Paul, we asked yo7 not to speak of such things! But it’s a great vignette.

    1. Thanks Peter, sometimes you just have to let it out

  4. Poor old goat! Very nice paint job.

    1. Thanks Jamie, hopefully a goat curry followed so all was not in vain

  5. Lovely looking vignette, nice blood stain!
    Best Iain

  6. Poignant little vignette Paul! Very well executed.

  7. A great bit of tabletop decor. Nice work.

  8. Unspeakable but not unpaintable!

    1. Having watched "The Festival" this goat got off lightly
