Saturday 27 March 2021

From EdwardG: Final group photo

 Hi all,

It is already a week since the end of the Challenge and yet it feels like only moments ago. I am so glad that I was able to take part in the XIth Challenge and I cannot wait to begin the XIIth! Thank you to Curt and all the minions for keeping the Challenge going, and thank you to everyone for the inspiring photos of your painted minis and kind comments on my entries.  

This afternoon I managed to clear the dinning table and persuade my wife to help me take the obligatory wrap up photo. 

I have to say, I am amazed at how much I have managed to paint. Well over double my original target!! If I was able to keep up this level of productivity I would have very little lead pile left! Luckily (ish), I seem to have already slowed down a bit, so no fear of running out of fresh minis any time soon. Although, I probably should buy some more just in case. One can never be too careful. 

My two main projects have been nicely boosted thanks to the Challenge, with the 100 days Allied Army, 1 and a half divisions closer to being complete. And my DBA Romano British army has landed only 9 figures short of its total number, which I think is pretty good going! In addition, I found jumping (or should that be crawling) through the Chambers a great distraction, and a fun stretch at times to see which minis I could possibly shoe horn in with some lateral thinking. My Curtgeld mini is already in a box on its way to Miles, but I am not saddened by it missing the photo call, I am just thrilled that it is on its way to such an inspirational fellow. 

Hope everyone stays safe and well over the next ~268 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and how ever many seconds until the start of the XIIth Challenge! (I don't know what you mean I am not really counting...)

In the mean time, see some of you over at the Vaccination Challenge (or VacCha as I call me?...Ok). Living in Germany means that I run a high risk of still posting on that board when the XIIth Challenge is going. Fingers crossed, thumbs pressed, and timber touched, that it isn't the case! 

All the best,

Ed :D 


  1. Great to have you on board, counting the days will make you insane. Great set of figures

  2. You treated us to some beautiful brushwork Ed. I particularly loved your Late Roman entries - terrific stuff. See you in the VC!

    PS: I approve of the facial hair. :-{)>

  3. Nice work allround Ed, see you in the VC indeed!

  4. Grea5 work Edward, I really enjoyed the 100 days and Sub Roman projects

  5. I count myself very lucky to receive a figure from you and hopefully can use it as inspiration to raise my painting game a bit closer to your standards! Excellent job this year

  6. I think you gad a great Challenge Ed. Love the Late Romans.
