Sunday 2 January 2022

From Curt: 'Quack' from Moonstone (27 Points)

Well, as we are just about to close the holiday season's 'Free Fire' period for submissions, I thought I'd slip in  another of my own before Peter takes over with his Monday crew.

Pilot Jenny has set me down on the world of Skaro where I've met up with the very odd, but in ingenious Dr. Quack.  

Quack is a wizard/cleric in the Moonstone game. He's aligned with the Commonwealth faction, which are largely composed of humans and gnomes (though they do have some characters from other races as allies as well). He's not very powerful in combat, but is a terrific support character, being able to heal members of his troupe at a fairly good range (Moonstone is played on a 3' x 3' surface, so a 8-10" range is quite respectable), and to give his 'Foresight' ability, which provides a nice bonus to him or his allies for shooting and spells.

I had a lot of fun working on Quack. Looking at the figure, I imagined him as as sort of a ragamuffin, ill-kept fellow, so made his clothes and gear rather dirty and manky. For his bottles and the trippy smoke emanating from his potion I used some of the excellent Colourshift Paint from Greenstuff World. You'll probably see me using more of this stuff when I work on the upcoming faeries from this range. 

I understand that Quack has some excellent, ahem, 'non-prescription herbal medication' for evening relaxation. Now, where did Sarah hide the bong...


Alrighty, being a 40mm figure, Quack will give me another 27 points, including the 'strange doctor' bonus for the planet Skaro. This will be my forth planet on the outer ring, which will allow me to travel to the middle orbital cluster. Weee!

Also, I can't ignore the chance to use up 'Q' for 'Quack' for my alphabet Soup Challenge (6 letters done now!).

Next time I promise I'll part from my norm and submit more than one figure. :)

Thanks for dropping in folks. Peter, take it away!

- Curt


  1. Quack, quack! I have some quack-quack models on the table as well, but not this big. Is that Eye design sculpted or free hand? I like the skin tones as well.

    1. Thanks Teemu! The designs were a part of the sculpt, so relatively easy to pick out.

  2. Wow! Expert use of tone and hue Curt!

    I have to say, this Moonstone thing is looking very interesting. Can it be played solo?

    1. Cheers Darrell!

      Unfortunately no, it's very much a game that needs an opponent. In fact, its played well when we've had up to 8 players at the table, set up in teams of two.

    2. Thanks mate. Maybe sometime later this year (fingers crossed!) :>)

  3. Do I detect a bit of Herbert the Duck from Trondheim/Sfar's Dungeon? While missing the anthropomorphism is does seem Moonstone (or at least your painting thereof) has that same weird/menacing/tongue in cheek tone!

    1. Moonstone is very silly and whimsical. When the starter box has a character called 'Doug the Flatulent' you know you've gotten into something off the beaten path. :)

  4. That is one quackpot of a figure. I can't tell if he has two backpacks or a reserve chute in case that levitation spell doesn't last the distance.
    Lovely paintjob of course.

    1. Haha! Yes, I'm sure he's carrying lots of backup herbs and salves for his troupe to enjoy. :)

  5. These Moonstone figures are great, very whimsical and odd, but great. You've done a lovely job on this herbalist Curt.

    1. Cheers Stuart. They're great figures to work on.

  6. Great work on this crackpot Curt!

  7. Terrific work, are they sweat stains beneath his armpits?!?! Yuck, but very effective…. I’ve got this chap undercoated on my painting desk, but the detail is rather intimidating and you’ve done a great job on him here so I shall keep it as inspiration!

    1. Yep, like I said he's a bit of a manky lad. I look forward to seeing your work with these Jamie.

  8. I can’t wait to play with the new figures. Quack is going to be a valuable addition to the Commonwealth! You’ve done a terrific job bringing out his, erm, individuality.
    Thank you for your work in keeping us all in line during the ‘Free Fire’!

    1. Cheers Natasha! It will be fun to add these characters into the mix. There will be more to come! :)

  9. 100% certain this guy works at the local Public Health Unit...

    Great painting as always dude.

    1. Haha! Thanks dude. I think Quack would vaccinate anything with anything.

  10. Very well done Curt! The smoke coming out of that bottle looks rather… special indeed. Say, for your Alphabet soup I‘m quite surprised to see you shirk the Umlaut 😉

    1. Oh, I lova good umlaut. I must work that in somewhere... :)

  11. Replies
    1. They are a lot of fun. And when you only need 6 maximum for a Troupe it makes it a pretty easy game to get into.

  12. Splendid looking manky cleric!
    Best Iain

  13. Another cool job on a cool looking mini 👍
