Sunday 2 January 2022

From SimonG: The Jewish Revolt in 28mm (80 points)

It's great to finally be back and posting for AHPC XII! Thanks so much to Curt for expanding the roster and letting laggards like me in. For those that don't know me I'm a UK based returnee to the hobby having picked up my brushes two years ago after being out of the wargaming field for over 40 years. I've very much enjoyed getting stuck into my (now complete) 28mm HYW project and an ongoing 1980s cold war 10mm UK/USSR setup.

This time it's something new and actually something very close to me personally -- the Jewish Revolt CE 66-74. My introduction to this period in history comes from living in Israel as an eight year old in 1973-74 (which btw may lead to another modern war project as our stay involved living thorough the '73 Yom Kippur war). A highlight of our time In Israel was visiting Masada which made a great impression on me. Since picking up Josephus I've always been fascinated by this doomed rebellion and it's aftermath. The poster in the picture below dates from that sojourn in Israel and has been one we've always had on our walls in every house we've lived in.

Embarking on a Jewish revolt project I had to decide a) whether to go for large scale (e.g. Impetus) or skirmish rules, and b) what scale. As there were few real large scale battles I opted for Skirmish (Clash of Spears) and that pushed me to 28mm. Unfortunately no one makes 28mm jewish revolutionaries. The classic solution is to take Numidians and do some head swapping. 

The 28mm bodies I used are mostly Victrix (all of the ones with spears or swords) then slingers from Crusader

Many suggest using Germanic heads but these are rather too hirsute so after some hunting around I found Anvil make some suitable heads intended for modern US Ranger types but actually pretty good for First Century Jews. They're a bit larger than classic 28mm but once painted up work fine. A few of the heads (e.g. those with helmets) are original Numidians with an attempt to rough up the corn rows and one head (I'll let you spot the very hairy fellow) is a haircut I made up out of Milliput!

Anvil also
provided cloaks which worked well once cut down and messed up, I had to build up the front parts with Milliput (still working on that I'm afraid). 

The final touch is to add tzitzit which I made out of small pieces of my ubiquitous button thread (used for stringing bows) -- I quite liked giving the pieces some dynamism with the whipping strings!

With a suitably muted palette and attention to faces and hair I think these came out OK and I'm looking forward to building out the force and adding the Romans.

Anyway hear are some close ups -- hope you enjoy them and thanks again for welcoming me into this great community.

Points wise I think that's 60 for the figures (12 x 5) plus I'll claim 20 points bonus for a landing on Caprica -- I think we can definitely hold this out as a doomed rebellion the consequences of which we can still feel today on the Temple Mount!


First Simon, welcome back to the Challenge. I'm delighted we could find space for you in the ranks.

This is a wonderful project with such an interesting personal connection ( I love that poster, wow.).  I find your modifications to create Jewish revolutionaries to be brilliant. Modern US Ranger heads?! Who would have thought that would work? Well, they work brilliantly as it turns out. Amazing. I'm going to add a few bonus points for the mods as they are certainly deserved. 

Excellent and inspired work, Simon. I very much look forward to seeing this project develop over the next few months!

- Curt


  1. Welcome to the Challenge Simon! Those are some very fine models. Great converting and great painting.

    1. Thanks Teemu and also Curt for your kind words and comments on my efforts at conversion. I’m looking forward to working on this more and maybe trying out some bits of the Old City (maybe for AHPC XIII😃)

  2. What an amazing job with all the modifications you’ve made. I am looking forward to seeing more of your project!

    1. Thanks Natasha. It’s a project I’ve been thinking of for a long time so should be fun

  3. Excellent conversions,and a lovely finish!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain - great to be back and thanks for the comments as always

  4. Fantastic Jewish rebellion figures Simon, liking these guys a lot. Fantastic work on the conversions and the mixing and matching of bits and makes.

    FYI Rafm still sell figures for the Maccabean revolt.
    They are 80s vintage but might prove useful. The heads, shields and weapons are separate which might fit your style.

    1. Thanks Peter. Good suggestion. Actually the real thing I’m struggling with is sandals. The Numidians tend to be barefoot and the majority of Jews would wear sandals. I tried making them with milliput but too fiddly so you can see some painted on which is not the best answer. Maybe cutting off shod feet might be the way to go 😃

    2. That’s where I do a quick paint them on any conversion and hide the worst offenders feet in thick ground cover.

    3. Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors have some figures with sandals. It may be a bit too much work to get them on the Numidian bodies though:

    4. Whoops; link didn't work:

    5. Thanks for the suggestion -- those look rather too robust and well made sandals and I'm a bit afraid of chopping figures off at the feet compromising any structural integrity! Maybe I can play around with a thinner thread and see if that works for the t-bar/uppers, perhaps something like a fine wire might work

  5. Absolutely fascinating Simon! It's possibly my favourite post so far this year. I love the detail you've put into these and can't wait for the next post. Keep it coming please!

    1. Thanks Millsy -- glad you liked them, I'm looking forward to continuing this project (mixed up with the other bits and pieces I'm working on)

  6. Brilliant project Simon, and very clever sourcing of components!

    1. Thanks Greg -- I'm getting quite adept at scavenging around the house as well as in my bits box 🤪

  7. Nice work on those Simon


  8. Nice work! For rules, have you considered Infamy, Infamy or Clash of Spears?

    1. Thanks, I was thinking Clash of Spears and I designed for these rules but thanks for suggesting II as I'll look into that too

  9. Great work, mate! I appreciate the ingenuity you've shown to convert these figures - they look great.

    1. Thanks for the great feedback, I must admit as I don't build up any of these figures before the AHPC all that fiddly assembly and conversion does rather cut into painting time!

  10. Interesting army and love the campaign setting and your painting. Looking forward to more ...

    Cheers Jez

    1. Thanks Jez -- maybe I should build a scale model of Masada next 😏

  11. Welcome back, Simon! Nice start to this project! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, glad to be back painting small things after spending the past six months painting walls!

  12. Top post Simon, a fascinating time period and great to see it brought to life in miniature

    Regards KenR

    1. Thanks Ken, must deal with the yellow tinge in my close ups however (I suspect it’s my light source)
