Sunday 2 January 2022

From IanS: Yet more 15mm Additions

 So second week in and painting still at a pace although the hand shakes still causing trouble with fine detail, but as these figures are for wargaming and will be used weekly I am happy with how they have turned out. 


Another unit of Ptolemaic Phalanx, in total there will be 4 of these units as Egyptian Militia and another 8 units of regular phalanx.  Again figures from Outpost wargaming services.

Nest up some ancient British slingers again these are from my ebay box so have no idea who the company is.  You can never have too many slingers especially as they are about the only missile arm units you will have for this army.

Seleucid reinforcements, another Cataphract unit figures from Outpost Wargaming again.  I like these figures they have a nice feel to them, and they come with open hands so you can add spears.  Revenge is sweet as there is a club member who has all his armies armed with piano wire which has left numerous injures to gamers hands.

And last but not least the Cataphract Command.  Outpost again these are from their Parthian Command figure set.

Napoleonic now, more Wurttemberg units.

Infantry Battalion again figures of unknown origin from the good old ebay box.  Every year I buy figures on ebay with no real intent on what to do with them.  Thank you Curt for allowing me to join the Challenge as it is helping to clear the large lead pile in the ebay box. (Also a big thankyou from my wife).

The last regiment for the 1809 8th Corp cavalry division, the 2nd Horse Jaegers, Pink facings you just do not see this enough in armies.

Here is the command for this Division on the left the Divisional commander next the Brigadier for the Horse Jaeger brigade and then the Brigadier for the Chevauleger brigade.  

Here is a view of the entire Division with Cheavaxleger on left then the Horse Jaegers and finally the Horse artillery.

Two of these regiments painted prior to the challenge.

As stated in last post all the cavalry and guns come from the Warlord Games Epic Waterloo range.

So, points I would like to claim:

Ptolemaic Phalanx - 16  x 15mm figures = 32

Ancient British Slingers  – 8 x 15mm figures = 16

Seleucid Cataphracts – 12 x 15mm figures = 48 

Seleucid Cataphracts  Cmd – 2 x 15mm figures = 8 

Wurttemberg Cavalry – 12 x 15mm figures = 48

Wurttemberg Infantry – 24 x 15mm figures – 48 

Wurttemberg Cavalry Cmd  – 4 x 15mm figures – 16                                      

Total claimed – 216 points.


Wow! You've been very industrious Ian, colour me impressed!

Great looking ancients. I love open-handed figures as they avoid the much-hated (well, by me) spaghetti spears and lances. The Napoleonics look terrific as well. I've always enjoyed the Wurttemberger uniforms as they add nice colour to the tabletop (and the French always need allies to die for them from time to time). :)

Oh, a reminder to you and others: please remember to add metadata notes on your entries in the right sidebar when you're drafting your post. Thanks!

Great work Ian!

- Curt


  1. Great looking ancients but I really like your Napoleonics, especially the Wurttembergers!
    Best Iain

  2. Replies
    1. Metadat is data about data. The descriptive text we ask you to put in the right sidebar is metadata. Tamsin does a good job describing what you have to do here:

      Thanks! :)

  3. Crikey that's a LOT of quality in one post. It's all beautiful Ian but I think the 'burgers are my favourites, although maybe because I have a soft spot for German allies in the Naps period. More please!

  4. Nice mix of minis. The Napoleonics look fantastic. I find them challenging at 28mm, so they're even more impressive when done at 15mm.

  5. The first time I read your post, I read ‘British Singers’ and thought that was an odd inclusion, but to each their own. British Slingers makes a lot more sense haha

  6. Sorry about that i am dsylexic so do not puck up on these things.

    Perhaps i need to convert some slingers into singers, the beatles come to mind.

    1. I look forward to your Beatles regiment! (I need to slow down when I read!)

  7. Great entry Ian; impressive point tally and variety.

  8. Fabulous entry Ian, really like those a lot. They really do look fabulous lined up.


  9. Nice work. I like the coloured spears.

  10. Lots of different goodness in the same post, well done!

  11. Wonderful mixed bag, Ian! :)

  12. Super stuff Ian, a great group of 15mm goodness 👏

  13. Wonderful collection of tiny units. Love the blue details on the cataphracts and with you on the pink facings.

  14. An excellent entry Ian, keep up the excellent brushwork!
