Thursday 10 February 2022

From AngusW: US Cavalry Troopers and Infantry (Pendraken) (40 pts.)

If you have loads of cavalry you need some horse holders! For now, these horse holders and their dismounted troopers are the last of the US Cavalry for my Pony Wars project. 

Next, I have 60 Indians started, it has taken me three nights to paint horses. As usual, when painting cavalry I lose the will to live painting horses various shades of brown.

20 @ 10mm Infantry @1pts each = 20pts.
16 Horses & 4 Holders @ 10mm @1pts each = 20pts

Losing the will to live is character building. We're just jealous you're only losing it 10mm at a time. I do hope the end result was worth it! I do like your horse-holder mini vignettes.



  1. Hi Angus:
    Kudoes to you for gritting it out with all those nags. You can't have dismounted cavalry without horseholders, a great addition to your force and well done.

  2. Great work Angus, well done on seeing them through.

  3. Very well done. Heard about them on the WSS pod and now visual. Great slog.

  4. These look great. I like the mixed basing you have done

  5. I’m sorry about your doldrums creating these, but they look terrific!

  6. nice job mate, keep em coming. Just think of all those feathers

  7. Great work. I’m in the minority in that I quite like painting horses. I like the challenge of creating variety in colours and markings.

  8. Nice work Angus, they look pretty cool.
