Thursday 10 February 2022

From ReillyO'G: Broodlord of Hive Fleet Charybdis(10 points)


Quick sidetrack from the planned schedule (though frankly who doesnt during these chellenges eh?), a quick Broodlord for our personal Tyranid collection as motivated by the latest announcement of their 9th ed codex,.

Nothing too fancy as our genestealer scheme calls for mostly greys and blacks with some bone chitin but was fun to paint nonetheless, especially painting all those terminator helmets as Brother Noctis or Brother Leon from Space Hulk to pay homage from this model's original boxset.

As a 50mm model head to base calling for 10pts for this lad.

Happy Painting!

- Reilly 'Right Stuff' O'G

Late again? Luckily for you I've got a very soft spot for Space Hulk, genestealers and tyranids- not to mention that skullicious pile.



  1. Very nice! Love the contrasts you have with the black and grey - always so hard to get that right but yours looks excellent.

  2. Very nice, I like how skin/chitin looks shiny, wet, slimy - very Alien, I try to say. :)

  3. Awesome in a scary sort of way!

  4. His brilliant but I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley or space hulk.
    He's evidently an avid collector of skulls.
    Cheers, MikeP
