Monday 20 February 2023

From Matt T - Elephant Sized Hole - [ 40 points ]

One of the attractions of the Khwarazmian Army is the option to take an elephant instead of a unit of medium cavalry. When i bought the majority of the lead from Gripping Beast I also picked up one of their Timurid Elephants.

When they arrived the Elephant crew were on the chunkier side compared to the rest of the army. I think if I had painting them they would have looked fine on the table, but while they were on the painting desk and my focus was 100% on them the difference was niggling away at me, so I decided to convert mine.

It turned out to be a bit more work than initially planned but when you have fallen down a rabbit hole I figure you may as well keep going and see where it ends.

I kept the initial elephant but sourced a howdah from Aventine Miniatures. It initially looked like it was floating in space so I used some wire to create some ropes attaching the howdah to the elephant. The mahout had a head swap so he echoed the light cavalry, as well as some milliput on the feet to create boots. The crew in the howdah are from the same range as the earlier medium cavalry I posted from Aventine Miniatures. Fortunately the body's come separately from the legs, so I attached them to some plastic legs I had and used some milliput to make a simple tunic around the join.

Anyway, this is my elephant. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

1 x 28mm Elephant and 3 crew = 40 35 points

Gotta have a Heffalump if the list allows and yours is truly lovely.  I do like the armour on the beast and the howdah conversion looks really good.  Plus you got to fall down a research rabbit hole, one of my main reasons for keeping my armies historical.

Consultation with fellow minions indicates that the elephant counts as a vehicle for 20 plus 5 each for the crew make a total of 35.  However, I'll add a few for the conversion, armour and casework.


  1. Lovely armoured elephant and I really enjoyed ( and related!) to your story of conversion, substitution and change!
    Best Iain

  2. What a gloriously glamorous nellie, Matt! :)

  3. Great work - love the conversion elements you added in!
    Cheers JezT

  4. Nice work on the conversion and brushwork, Matt! I really like the pachyderm armor!

  5. Great work Matt, it takes more than patience to convert as you've indicated

  6. Well done, it’s looking absolutely awesome, Matt!

  7. Superb elephant Matt


  8. Essential kit for trampling your opponent, top job, love the base 👏

  9. Wow, what a great proto-panzer. Beautiful brushwork and basing.

  10. We've seen a lot of elephants this challenge- this is great! Nice basing as well.
