Monday 20 February 2023

Iain W 28mm Gendarmes de elite of the Imperial Guard (60 points)

 The Gendarmes de elite of the Imperial Guard nicknamed the Immortals by their comrades in the Guard on account of them not being deployed in the front line in the earlier campaigns, although later Napoleon made sure at least some of them saw combat in his later actions, I wondered if there was an element of dislike towards these military policemen by the soldiers of the Guard, I remember my brother describing military policemen as squaddies who liked beating up squaddies! 

This unit is made up of the six spare figures of grenadiers a cheval that I got as the unit came from Colonel Bill's as an eighteen figure unit, looking around for something to do with those spare figures I figured they'd pass as Gendarmes de elite in spite of the aigiletes being on the wrong side.I  converted a trumpeter with a plastic Perry trumpet and at some point I'll expand the unit to twelve figures but for the moment six is all I have.

So thats 6 x 10 , 60 points, I've got the flag ready for when I get a figure to hold it!

Next up? More Napoleonics, on horses!

All the best


Lovely looking Heavy Cav Iain, you'e really aced the blue and I like the outlining to pick pout the belts etc.   Your re also making me want to paint 28mm Nappys and that's not a good thing.

I am sure that you are not the only one to ignore the aigiletes placement and sub Grenadiers as Gendarmes, in fact I may have done this myself.  Looking forward to seeing more Napoleonic era Cavalry including someone holding a flag for these boys.

Don't forget to label your posts.  I added your name and the basics but I don't know the make of the figs.


  1. Thanks Peter, sorry about the labeling, I've added Connoisseur as the manufacturer, shouldn't have pressed ready on the phone when I need to add labels on the laptop!
    Best Iain

  2. They look very flashy, Iain! I like them very much! As for your question on MP units. I think it has more to do with tempo and garrison. In garrison, infantry and others are more focused on quality, training and keeping out of trouble, meanwhile, MPs issue tickets and enforce the "rules". MPs will also cite you for carving furrows in a gravel parking lot with a MATV equipped with a mine roller while you hurriedly parked to get your troops fed before a chow hall closed while in an active warzone!....MPs kinda bring it on themselves. ;)

    1. An oddly specific task for MPs. I suspect there’s a story…

    2. Thanks David, I would say my brother had issues with authority even before he joined the army and his comments on MPs are no doubt based on experience !
      Best Iain

    3. MPs are exactly like police and do have a purpose and function, but sometimes they can be overzealous. I have actually met Sargent First Class Leigh Hester of the Kentucky National Guard. SHE is a police officer when not serving the NG but won a MoH for disrupting an ambush in Iraq and was directly responsible for saving lives and eliminating enemy combatants. She confided that she enjoys writing traffic/vehicular citations especially when she can use bureaucratic snark within the comments section! ;)

    4. *ce* MoH was downgraded to silver star

  3. One of my favourite French units and well done too

    1. Thanks!I think all that buff makes a nice change from white for the strapping
      Best Iain

  4. I really love these old school figures, and that’s an interesting and fairy unusual unit you’ve turned them into. Excellent stuff!

  5. Beautiful Brushwork Iain, really love the big boots!

  6. Lovely Iain, a unit you rarely see and you've done a top job

  7. Wonderful work, Iain! These Big Heels look superb. :)
