Thursday 2 March 2023

From PeterD: Cat People (70 points)

It will be a multi post day for me this week.  I had my University break last week and in between marking calculus midterms and avoiding my wife's hubby-do list I got some painting in.  Rather than try and stuff it all into one long boring post, I went for three medium boring posts... 

For what ever weird reason, the seriously creepy and noire 1942 original Cat People (along with the Creature from the Black Lagoon) seemed to be on local TV an awful lot when I was a kid.  However, unfortunately this post has nothing to do with Simone Simon, Natassjia Kinski or David Bowie.

I have a unit of 12 more Picts, Gripping Beast figures mostly plastics with two metal figures.   In keeping with my Pict naming protocols involving animal tribes these come from the Cat People.  They are named for the Scottish wildcat, which appears to be both seriously cute as a kitten and seriously bad tempered as an adult.  I had originally planned to avoid the whole Cat people tribe but eventually succumbed to the madness.  I blame a surplus of turnip in my blogging diet.

I only caught this now but I'll need to reprint the label, it should be pale blue to match my other Pict units.

Nothing more to add except to note the combinations of bad plaids, reasonable free hand shields and child like freehand flag.  The latter is based on a cat from the book of Kells, which is Irish not Pictish but that's close enough for government work to my eyes.  

That is 12 28mm foot figures for 60 point. These count towards the Carausius Emperor of Britain Side duel which appears to be a complete dud at this point, since I'm the only one posting points.  This also takes me over my target of 500 points for this years' Challenge.

Ok it turns out that I can't leave the title with out linking to one of my favourite Bowie songs from the 80s.  There are two versions of the song with the film version generally seen as being superior to the Let's Dance version.

From TeemuL: David Bowie, eh? Well, at least it will please the Snowlord. :) And no, I have nothing against him, I just haven't listened him a lot. But let's focus on the Cat People, very nice, good colours, looks dangerous. And the Picts, yes they look good, too. :) I'll grant you 10 extra points for the shields and banner.


  1. Some great freehand work on the shields Peter. I wouldn't resist putting a cat paw symbol on one of them! ;-)

    1. Thanks Peter. I hadn't thought of the paw print. Now I wish that I had done one.

  2. Fantastic the Picts warband! I have one in my ine of sight for Saga sometime this year

    1. Cheers Benito, looking forward to seeing your Picts

  3. Nice looking Picts, I tend to agree with your attitude towards using Irish Celtic and Pictish designs and saying close enough is good enough, even though the Picts had pretty specific applied arts and were of course engaged in a life or death struggle with the Irish Scots at this time, I like your shields and flags!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Luckily Celtic imagery was similar regardless of which particular bunch of them is involved.

  4. "But eventually succumbed to the madness" - another motto fit for AHPC T-Shirts.

    Great work Peter, very nice project coming together.

    1. Cheers Greg. I think Curt should do T shirts.

  5. Thanks Teemu for the extras. We can't all have the same music tastes. Heavy metal does nothing for me for instance.

    1. Of course we can't and it is a good thing. :)

  6. Another great set of figures and I love that red shanked cat on the flag!

    1. Cheers Simon. The flag was going to be monotone but I decided that it needed colour.

  7. Very well done, Peter, the shields are great!

    1. Cheers Martijn. I had fun with the shields.
