Thursday 25 January 2024

From ArthurS: Servants of the Old Ones (20 points)

Hello Everybody,

For today's post I painted my Lizardman, I really like how they turned out. One of the things I really like about fantasy games, is that you can create a background for your miniatures. So here is the lore for my Lizardmen. All of my Lizardmen have spawned in Metot, a village somewhere in Lustria where a Dark Slann mage rules. He has made a deal with the Chaos Gods so they will give him more power. The Dark Slann banned a lot of people who might know something is wrong in his behaviour. Because if anyone would find out that he joined Chaos, they would depose him. For example: he orders one of his loyal guards to steal a cake from the bakery and he then blame someone who's smart enough to figure out that he was bad. Everyone that was banned gathered and moved on together. They found a Skink Priest: a hermit that moved out of the village because the Slann mage didn't want to do anything about the ‘Chaos problem’. One day the Priest received a vision from the Old Ones. They told him the Demon Be'Lakor struck down in Mordheim. So as a true warband of the Old Ones they went to Mordheim to save the world and if possible munch on my Dad's Dwarves.

One of the things I really like about Lizardmen are the details I changed on their shields, they originally had decaptitated heads which I removed and I put some other parts (from a drum) on them.

The  bases I tried to make them grassy/forest-like and I am really happy with the effect I got.

As for points these 4 figures in 29mm scale will be good for 20 points. Next post will be a surprise.

Groetjes Arthur

TeemuL: Dark Slann joining Chaos! I guess Jervis hasn't thought about that! Very nice backstory, Arthur. Red-Yellow-Blue tricolor is very effective colour scheme and you have used it well on these rebel Lizardmen. Your bases look like swampy rainforests (I never been to one, though) and I guess that was what you were after. Good job. Goed gedaan!

P.S. If you are after points, then Library Map might be useful for you?


  1. These are great, Arthur! I love it that you did not paint them in the traditional blue-green, but still added the blue details. As Teemu said, the colour scheme works really well. And you are taking after your father with some kitbashing too. Mooi man!

  2. These are lovely Arthur. I love the backstop and the basing effect really works, I can see some excellent drybrushing there.

  3. Great work Arthur, and also a great back story! Always helps the painting, and the gaming, when you have the story going, it is always more fun.

  4. Great work Arthur. You've got the colours just right on these

  5. Nice paint job. Your lizardmen look aggressive and mean. Your background story brings them alive. You master both the brush and the pen (or the keyboard?).

  6. Great work and great back story. Love the bases.

  7. Great brushwork and fabulous backstory, Arthur! Well done!

  8. Being from the jungles of Lustria, the bright colors no doubt is an indication of their poisonous nature. Nice work.

  9. great colors they look like they want to smash something or someone

  10. good story Arthur and great color scheme

  11. Another great entry from you Arthur - well done
