Thursday 25 January 2024

TomL: Fantasy (165 points)


My original Hasselfree Fantasy sorceress was summoned to another plane of existence after I primed her but before she was painted. While this caused me quite a bit of consternation, one must accept this sort of behavior from sorceresses. So, we have called upon another primed Hasselfree fantasy miniature, young Sarah, to summon the library cart. This sculpt was the winner in an amateur sculpting contest.  Coming out from the dark and cold woods, this pale, slightly green looking child clutching a lovingly worn effigy of Cthulhu stands ready to escort you to a grimmer, darker Fantasy section of the library.

This week’s unit has been waiting for paint for a long, long time. Long ago these new plastic figures were a huge upgrade on the horrendous out of scale mono-pose plastic Skaven clan rats I had. Bought, assembled, and primed in record time upon release, I painted only one of 3 boxes before work derailed me. My gaming group stopped playing WFB next and the units were relegated to sitting on the shelf for over a decade.  Well for some of them that wait ends this week.

These were painted using mostly contrast paints. I plotted my colors from light to dark and mostly ignored small mistakes.  Covering up a multitude of slips, details such as bandages & armour were painted in last using Vallejo Metal color and foundry paints.  Then the entire model was given a coat of Vallejo Game wash to tie everything in, hide mistakes and generally dirty up the models.  A clean bright Skaven just does not look right. To break up the look a little more I used “Dirty Down” Rust on some of the weapons and armour. The Enginseer was painted before except for a final wash and basing so he is not counted in the points.

For points I have 165.

25 28mm figures * 5 = 125 points.

Sarah’s cart = 20 points.

Fantasy bonus = 20 points.

These would apply to the “The Old World” challenge as well.  

From Millsy: I think these are the most colourful Skaven I've ever seen and I have to say I like it! The wash does enough to make feel verminous without taking away too much of the colour variation. Nice work mate. Young Sarah is also a treat and the way you've photographed her is brilliant, framed by the woods like she's been on an adventure. Love it! 165 points added to your tally sir.


  1. Thanks Millsy. I have always figured rats would choose the best and the brightest clothes to steal for their own. Blood stains and general dirt not being an issue.

  2. Love these, Hasslefree are my favourite sculpts. The Skagen are "pretty"

    1. Thanks. What self disrespecting evil murderous rat wouldn't want to appear their best in battle?

  3. What do we have in this Challenge? Chaos worshipping Slann and Skaven in bright colours! This must be somekind of heresy. :) But really, your skaven look good, much better than the usual "brown things with little green."

  4. Nice bright colours! Great stuff.

  5. Great rats on two legs. Wilderness witch/sorceress excellent. Well done.

  6. Fabulous colours! Love em.
