Tuesday 16 January 2024

From IanS: 15mm French Napoleonic Infantry, 15mm Pokemon Pike Block, [Ouverdue and Returns](148 points)


For my next submission here are some 15mm French Napoleonic infantry in Greatcoats. For years I thought the term was Grey Coat and assumed that all coats in the Napoleonic wars were grey in colour. Amazing what dyslexia does to ones understanding, for years I was confused as a teenager that we had dildo rails in our home, yes they were dado rails. These figures are from Stonewall and their captian range, they are a really friendly company and at this years Warfare at Farnborough UK, I helped out with setting up the show and had the pleasure of moving Stonewall. So I took the opportunity along with my son to get in first on their stock, and unfortunately cleared their stock of certain codes. The figures will be part of a division for 1812/13.


Now for the Library submission, the section this is for is the Overdue and Returns, these figures were started in Challenge 12 but did not get finished as I got COVID. This was a fun project as my kids (20 and 23) were into Pokemon and at the time I was building a Seleucid army. So this unit is based on them worshiping the Great Pokemon God Falinks. The figures are from Outpost which unfortunately is no longer operating. Nice well proportioned figures and paint up well as long as its not me.


Pokemon God Falinks


Points Being Claimed: 
 48 x 15mm French Napoleonic Infantry at 2 pts each = 96pts 
 16 x 15mm Pikemen at 2pts each = 32pts 
 Library Overdue and Returns section = 20pts 
 Total Points being claimed 148pts

I always like 15mm figures, Ian, and these are very fine indeed. The French are great (many thanks to the painting Gods for greatcoats!), but your pikemen really brought a smile upon my face. The Pokémon God Falinks indeed! Your maths are spot on, so another 148 points for you.

Please remember to resize your photographs though, and a map woud be nice too!



  1. More lovely Napoleonic infantry! Sigh...well done Ian.

  2. Nice work Ian. Like the Ancients. I once heard of a Canadian gamer who rolled up to an ancients tourney with Byzantines featuring Smiley Face shields.

  3. "Dildo rails" oh my God I laughed out loud. Great looking Napoleonics here Ian!

  4. Lovely work Ian (the Pokémon shields are genius). The dildo reference cracked me up.

  5. really nice work Ian the French are my favorite but only just

  6. Awesome job, my friend did a unit of Greek Hoplites with South Park shields so I love this sort of stuff 😀

  7. The Falinks shields are a blast. Great idea.

  8. I thought I had misread the title, but happily I was wrong. There should be more Pokemon inspired armies out there.

  9. Brilliant work on the pike block! Inspired choice of shield motif!

  10. Excellent 15mm figures. Nappys and pikes beautiful.
