Tuesday 16 January 2024

From MilesR: A Whole Bunch O'Stuff (416 Points)

 This will be a rather random set of mini's for this week's submission - both in terms of scales as well as periods covered.  Let's Start with the big boys first:

12 28mm Byzantine Bucellarii or Armored Horse Archers.  These have always been my favorite troops from antiquity and I've always had fun with them on the table top.

These mini's are 28mm plastic models from Fireforge Miniatures and were a joy to both assemble and paint.  About 90% of the painting was done using the Army Painter speedpaints which I am growing very fond of.

This completes my Byzantine forces for Barrons War outside of a few leader figs I may throw in.

Next up are 48 10mm "Heavy" Orcs which I had 3D printed by a friend

They were fun to paint up and a nice break.  Technically these Orcs are big and top the scales in at 15mm but lets still score them as 10mm - why?

Because their opponents - Dwarves are labelled as 10mm figures but really tip in at 7mm - well they are Dwarves after all.

Same 3D printing source and a lot of fun to paint up.

Lastly - an initial down payment on my "Big Project" for the year - the Russo-Japanese War in 10mm.  These are the new 10mm RJW line from Pendraken and they are superb figures.  

There are 18 bases of Japanese Infantry, 10 cav and 4 machine gun bases - this is a little over a division and a half

Brace yourselves, your going to be subjected to a lot of 10mm RJW figures over the course of this challenge.

I've got close to 2,000 of the little buggers to paint up.  I'll be running this as a campaign at Historicon this year and they'll also likely find their way onto a Little Wars TV episode this summer.  

Well that's all for this submission, lets figure of the final tally:

12  28mm cavalry = 120 points

64 10+mm Orcs = 64 points

80 10-mm Dwarves = 80 points

72 10mm Japanese Infantry and 8MG crewman + machine guns  = 80 92 points

20 10mm Japanese Cavalry = 40 points 60 points

Grand Total: 384 Points

Ha, I was starting to wonder where you were, Miles. Almost 250 figures in one go, that's more like you!  And great figures they are too. All are quite great, from the Byzantines through the orks to the little dwarves with their distinctive shields, but I really like your RJW figures. Looking forward to seeing (much) more from them in the future! 
You have short-changed yourself a little as 10mm cavalry are 3 points, not 2, and then here are the 4 crew-served weapons at 3 points each for a total of  416 points!

Ah, one minor quibble: please remember to lay-out and resize your photos...



  1. Lots of great work here. I don't envey your to do list!

  2. Great work Miles. Are those Fireforge figures not a gem? I love them, and will be trying to add more to my own Byzantine collection.

    1. I really like the Fireforge hard plastic figures - they really are a pleasure to both assemble and paint. However, I cant say the same of their resin-cast (fine cast or whatever name) figures - the ones that come in a white material. I bought some of their Varangian Guard and a mounted standing Byzantine general and the figures are truly awful - so bad I tossed them they are just unusable in my limited skill hands

  3. There's the megalomaniac Miles we were expecting. Great stuff all around, but the Byzantines are my faves. Can you play with the lighting so that we can get a better look at things for your next post, you are straining my aged eyes.

    1. I tried using a cheap photo booth from Amazon. Perhaps ti was too cheap!

  4. Miles is now firing on all his cylinders! Great work my friend. I love the horse archers, but I'm also a big fan of your 10mm fantasy entries too. 10mm is such a terrific scale to work in for big armies. Well done!

  5. Nothing like a good old Miles Points Bomb 💣 to get your Tuesday moving !

  6. Go Miles, love the array of minis so good you'll be on the top of the leader board before you know it.

  7. That is a very impressive & diverse paint "bomb" for this week.

  8. A great selection of minis, I'm looking forwards to more of your RJW project.

  9. Impressive production here Miles, great work!

  10. Great work Miles and good luck with the 2k figures, we’ll be cheering you on.
