Tuesday 16 January 2024

From: MarkB Smårgos Torta of Miniatures today [Overdue and Returns](92 points)

 Hi all,

I hope you are doing well! 

I would like to introduce you to the Swedish Smårgos Torta. No this is not a recipe but it goes with this weeks post from me. Here is a picture of a Smårgos Torta for you all.

I have painted up some items that have been siting around my paint table and they have been in different states of completion. So this week I will be making an entry into the AHPC Library under the area called Overdue and Returns. Below is a picture of this weeks submission from me.



To start the detailed talks lets talk about the spaceship. Which I do not know how to score because it is a 1:50,000 Scale miniature from Brigade Models. This is part of the Neo-Soviet collection and is the Admiral Lazarev Class Battle Cruiser. It is 80 x18mm in size and was fun to paint up.  So I will need the help of the kind judges to give me some points for this entry. Thank you!

I plan to use this and other miniatures for a game based around the battle of Denmark Straights in space using the "Starfighters" Rules from Wiley Games.

Next up is another fun group of miniatures. We have a group of four 28mm Zombies from a box of plastic miniatures that I picked up after playing my first game of Zona Alfa. So these four Zombies will be used with my first entry in a game of Zona Alfa. 

So now back to the main event. 6mm miniatures, today I bring you two battalions of Austrian Infantry from Baccus for the 1809 campaign during the Napoleonic Wars. In total there are 64 miniatures in these two battalions. There is on battalion of German and Hungarian infantry. The German battalion is part of the 3rd Infantry Regiment and the Hungarians are part of the 50th Infantry Regiment. 


Also from Baccus and for the 1809 Campaign I give you a unit of the 3rd Uhlan Regiment. There are a total of 12 miniatures in this group. 

These are some much needed reinforcements for the main group of miniatures I painted this last summer.

 OK now for the fun part, the scoring.

64 x 6mm infantry @ 1/2 point =32 points

12 x 6mm cavalry @ 1 point = 12 points

4 x 28mm Zombies @ 5 points = 20 points

1 x 1:50,000 scale space ship @ 8 points = 8 Points

 Overdue and Returns bonus = 20 Points

Total for this week: 92 points

I hope you all have a great week. Skål!

Now, when I hear the word "torta" I can't help thinking of my native "taart", which really means cake. Well, overly healthy green stuff doesn't necessarily have to be part of this. To the contrary, even. However, your Smårgos Torta sure looks delicious! As, of course, do your other offerings for the day, Mark. I like the spaceship and the zombies, but pride of place must go to your little Austrians. I really like the crisp painting and the vibrant colours on your Uhlanen, I must say. Well done!

As for scoring, looking back into the depth of the Challenge Archives I find that Battlefleet Gothic spaceships have traditionally been scored as 15mm vehicles. That seems reasonable to me, so we will award it 8 points. That brings your total up to 92 points. Proost!, as we say in Holland, or Schol! for my Flemish neighbours!





  1. Great work. I especially like the Baccus 6mm.

  2. In Finland that "Smårgos torta" translates to "Voileipäkakku", which directly translates to English as "Sandwich cake". So, I'd say it is a cake, even though it is not sweet, it might have tuna or ham for example in addition of all the green stuff.
    And the minis look delicious, too! I like the 6mm stuff even though the zombies look healthy to eat...

  3. Very cool - that space ship is lovely, but the Napoleonics...wow, so nice. Makes me twitch to start some of my own...

    What rules will you use? Just curious...

  4. You guys are making me hungry and I have to teach until 12:45! I love that you had Martijn digging through the archives to value the BG spaceship. Like Greg, I really like these Napoleonic. Well done.

  5. Great work Mark. Napoleonics are ALWAYS cool. I have those same Mantic undead - you did them proud. Love the cuisine shot. My stomach is grumbling...

  6. Have to agree with everyone else great work here, I really like the 6m cav

  7. Great mixed entry, you could have tried to sneak the Torta in as a terrain entry 😉

  8. The Smårgos Torta looks very appetizing. Never did get into Napoleonics but good looking 6mm forces make a case for trying it.

  9. The Torta looks delicious, perhaps too much so, it is distracting me from the minis. Excellent work though. I like the idea of refighting naval battles using spaceships.

  10. Very realistic groundwork on the Smårgos Torta!

  11. Nice figures. Is the Torta a one person helping ?

  12. Brilliant multiple works Mark. The troopers at 6mm are excellent. Well done.
