Tuesday 16 January 2024

From GregB - Angry Space Marine Dreadnought (20 points)

U mad bro?

We all have "issues", right? Well, so does this fellow. This is a Space Marine "Contemptor" class dreadnought. It is a 28mm resin model from Forge World, sporting the custom markings of the XVI Legion Astartes, the Sons of Horus. This is an old Forge World model, repainted with my up-to-date recipe for the Sons of Horus armour scheme in order to more properly match my recent models and soothe the screaming hobby OCD monkey that lives in my brain and will otherwise yell and throw things when I put mismatched paint schemes into the same collection.

The details on this custom dreadnought body were well sculpted...and little disturbing, but whatever...

These dreadnought chassis are means for badly wounded Space Marines to keep fighting. Severely wounded, maybe too wounded to continue, but still actually alive? No problem, just drop them into one of these things, and their service can continue. And continue. And continue...

Another view of one of the twin assault cannons the helps this Marine work through his emotional problems on the battlefield...

It is the kind of thing that might give anyone "issues", particularly Space Marines, and particularly those Space Marines serving the XVI Legion, who are known supposedly for already being violent grouches. You can see it in the custom iconography of the Legion on this dreadnought frame. Spikes and skulls you say? U mad bro?

I'm sure these skulls were attached for...good luck...yes..that's it...good luck...

Of course, whatever "issues" this fellow might have, he gets to vent his emotional energy on the battlefield, and I expect the twin rotary cannons really come in handy in that regard...at any rate,"Issues" here is ready to loyally serve the Warmaster in his mission to liberate humanity from the tyranny of the False Emperor on 30k gaming tables.  

Just some skulls on a chain. And some spikes. I'm sure everything is fine...

For scoring purposes, I believe this counts as a single 28mm vehicle, so I think that works out for 20 points for now. 

And in addition to points, we have some skullz! Four lovely skullz, hanging from chains on the dreadnought. Not many, but it's something!

There is nothing contemptible about this one, old or otherwise, Greg. What a great model. The colour scheme is very nice, and the details on the model really bring it to life. If that is the right word for this situation... The little scroll is a brilliant addition! I have no issues with your scoring proposal, especially with compelling arguments like this guy is putting forward, so 20 points for you. Good show!



  1. Great work. Love the teal colour scheme and I am glad that it soothes you inner OCD monkey...

    1. Thanks Peter! Calming that monkey down is a key objective of this project :)

  2. "U mad bro?" "I'm not even mad" said no Sons of Horus Space Marine ever... great work on this dreadnought dude!

    1. Hahah thanks Dallas. Yes, the entire Legion is a bunch of stewing, angry super humans...

  3. Fabulous job, dude! I love the ole Contemptor chassis design. It's sooo much better than the silly bumper-car prow of the 'Dorito' er, 'Deredeo' model. Also, you've really nailed down a great shade of dark sea green for the Sons of Horus. Your inner monkey has good reason to keep things harmonious.

    1. Thanks Curt! May the inner monkey always find peace...

    2. ...and I love the 'Issues' scrollwork. You could have 'Angron has no idea...' on the other leg.

  4. Top notch job on the dreadnought Greg, the color is perfect, love all those little extra details that you have so carefully painted

  5. Beautiful paint job. He is a misguided traitorous evil minion fighting against the one true Emperor, but he does look fantastic.

  6. Good luck skulls, emotional support spikes and stress-relief assault cannons? When you get down to it the Sons of Horus are just a bunch of snowflakes really. Even the Legion name shows their deep-seated daddy issues. ;)
    Awesome work on this contemptor, Greg. He will look great on the table, bringing enlightenment to the followers of the false emperor at a couple of thousand rounds a minute.

    1. Thanks Stuart! "Emotional support spikes" indeed...they kind of are snowflakes!

  7. The paint job on the model is great but the story brings the whole thing to totally different upper level. Keep the stories coming :-).

  8. "Even in death..." Great work on this!

  9. That is a fantastic piece of Kit Greg, really nice job 👏

  10. Awesome work Greg! Horus would be proud indeed. Although I'm now even more tempted to start playing Horus Heresy in full scale and not just in epic 🤣

    1. Thanks Tom! I'm a nut for this setting, of course, but I do find painting it one scale (say, the Epic scale) makes it more fun to paint the models in 28mm scale - and vice versa. The Horus Heresy is great fun in any scale!

  11. What a fantastic model wonderfully painted! I do love me some dreadnoughts

    Don't forget to fill out the form so he counts toward the Legion and Auxillia duel!

  12. Amazing - love the micro detail work.

  13. Grand colour scheme choice

  14. Such a cool model and great work on the painting. Waking up and finding your wasted body encased in ceramite would make anyone a little ratty, but that's what the assault cannons are for right? ;)

    1. Thanks Nick! Yes, opening fire with the cannons is surely consistent with "best practices" for XVI Legion mental health.

  15. Great work on this dread. I do like your current colour scheme.

  16. I just love seeing these figures Greg, its such a fantastic collection mate

  17. Contemptors are possibly the coolest of all 30k miniatures and you’ve done this one proud (even if you are slightly mad for doing a repaint with so many other things to paint first time!)
