Thursday 25 January 2024

Paul O'G: Pestigors in the Old World (50 points)

Those who study forbidden tomes know that within the dark forests of the Old World brood the evil  Beastmen, but some are dedicated to specific chaos powers. Those that choose the God of Decay and Pestilence are known as Magic the Gathering players Pestigors.

Pestigors: Baptised in Pus!

Amongst my stash of figs were these models begging for attention. These are metal 6th edition figures from 2003 and it took awhile to amass enough for the units size I desired under the old rules. I suspect that under the new system, small units may be more flexible so I will instead build them as 2 x 10 figure units.

Quite happy with the overall effect of the verdigris and rust effects!

To stand out amongst my Beastmen horde of mostly green and brown figures, I departed from the usual Nurgly greens. Instead, lighter sickly shades make the festering yellow and pink pustules look even lovelier. You're welcome!

Papa Nurgle's "Dream Team" take the field!

Just a small submission from me this week; 10 figs @ 5 points = 50 points. Sadly I've already used the Fantasy and Overdue bonuses but this will take me to my target, representing 8,000 points across the 10 AHPC seasons I've participated in.

And happy Australia Day today to all my fellow Aussies!

From Millsy: Happy Australia Day mate! Hope you avagoodun. Great looking Pestigors Paul, especially the rust effect and khaki shades on the clothing. These guys are properly intimidating. The Old World is getting a lot of existing lead painted up which is a positive if it achieves nothing else. 50 more points for your tally my friend.


  1. Lovely unlovely stuff! Any skullz on that? Happy Oz Day!

  2. These are lovely "yikes" puss filled beasties . Wow. Excellent work. happy down under day

  3. "They are known as Magic the Gathering players". Damn near spit my beer out. As magnificent description as your painting. Cheers.

  4. Happy Australia day. Top job on these

  5. Good looking Pestigors, I like the rusty axes! I have understood that the new rules (Old World) prefer larger units, but that's just the assumption I got from others.

  6. Disgusting stuff, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  7. Well done Paul, love the Old World stuff even if it’s as disgusting as this!

  8. Nice effort Paul - you'll just have to explain to everyone now what thongs and jandals are

    1. Nomthanks, I've gotten myself into enough hot water trying to do that over the years... !
