Thursday 22 February 2024

From JamesM: Three Battlefleet Gothic Chaos Fleets [Overdues and Returns] (338 points)

Hi folks,

This weeks entry took me a while to put together, and hadn't really been planned for the challenge. I had hoped to move on to some Necromunda bits before moving back to WW2, but thought some of these models would fit the theme for 'overdue and returns'. These models having been sitting in a '2nd hand' state for a number of years, needing dusting, repairing and painting. Some of them had a basic paintjob already, although that was a paintjob that had been rattling around a shoebox for 15+ years. 

First up, fleet number one and a mini force within a force - a Deathguard Plague Fleet. 

The models I'd picked up over the years included a Nurgle infested blessed Battlebarge and cruiser. I did a bit of work upgrading the paint jobs, replacing missing antena and finding a new bases - then decided a pair of cruisers would be better. I made an attempt to make these ships tarnished and suitably grotty - to best reflect the influence of the god of disease, rot and decay. I used 'dirty down' rust for the first time on these, alongside painting skin tones which were then mucked up.  

This mini fleet consists of a Death Guard Battlebarge - technically the famous 'Terminus Est' model - alongside two 'Murder' class cruisers, a trio of Iconoclast destroyers and six Infidel class raiders. My fluff for these is that this is a detachment of Deathguard Chaos Space Marines supporting my larger Chaos fleet. 

My second force within a force is a small fleet of ships dedicated to the worship of Tzeench. No doubt their presence indicates a wider plot is afoot by the changer of ways. 

Here we have Slaughter and a Devastation class cruisers, backed up by six Idolator class raiders. The Devastator class cruiser has an unusual bridge, which might reflect a possessed ship rather than just fancy ornamentation. Again, I wanted to do something special with the converted ship, and cruisers work best in pairs. 

Lastly, the main fleet - painted in a very 'old school' way, as per White Dwarf battle reports and the origional rule book chaos ships:

Led by a Repulsive class grand cruiser, this monster was placed on a larger base - allowing it to have more shields than a standard grand cruiser. 

The Repulsive is backed up by a gaggle of heavy cruisers:

Two Styx class heavy cruisers (dedicated carriers), a Hades class heavy cruiser and an Archeon class heavy cruiser. These are the same plastic kit as the cruisers, but with additional weapons. I've fighters and bombers for these carriers to do, but they need a bit of work so may not be done this challenge. 

The main force is made up of a fleet of cruisers:

Here we have two Slaughter, one Devastator, two Carnage, one Inferno and one Murder class cruisers. One of these Slaughters needs weapons removed from the dorsal mounts and other bits added, but I'll fix that later. I'll also need to add another cruiser in order to make this a 'legal' fleet without the inclusion of the Tzeench ships. 

Lastly, the ragtag bunch of motely raiders, escorts and transports:

Twelve Infidel class raiders. 

Six Idolator class raiders. 

Six Iconoclast class destroyers and a trio of chaos transport ships. Because someone has to move the slaves, loot and depraved murder cannibal ground forces around. 

Yes, the red tones vary - this was a deliberate thing! I wanted to show a force which was both uniform and individual, in keeping with the chaos theme. My head canon is that the darker ships are older, having had more layers of baked on sacrifice's blood on the hull. Or something equally nasty. 

In total then:

2 large 'Capital' class ships - pointed as per 20mm vehicles (these things are chonky, and bigger than the cruisers) - 30pts

15 cruisers - as per last year, pointed as 15mm vehicles - 120pts

42 escorts - as per last year, pointed as 15mm artillery - 168pts

Lastly, these fall into the 'Overdues and Returns' category. As I may have mentioned last year, back in around 2006-2007 I sold all my Games Workshop collections. However, I had massive buyers regret with my BFG collection. Thus, I began to slowly buy models as I encountered them at decent prices online and at bring and buys. This collection of figures has been in my 'to do' pile for over a decade. I've kept getting them out, looking at them and putting them away as I didn't have the confidence to paint them and was perhaps overly worried about how to transport them. The transport issue remains, but at least I can worry about that with a painted fleet. 

Now I've just the Imperial, Eldar and Ork ships to worry about! And all those sites that produce lovely looking chaos light cruisers...

As an aside, this is the largest single points bomb I've managed so far!

TeemuL: That is a points bomb indeed, well done James! Yes, it would not look too real, if all the ships in the fleet would have exactly the same tone on them, allthough that is something GW seems to think. There are lots of ships there and I'll take your word on the count, I have too tired eyes to calculate them. :) BFG is a game that intrigues me, but so does many other game. To try it, I guess I would need to get the rulebook and paint two armies and then someone to play with me. And I already have the issue with Vikings, Napoleonics and couple of other projects. :) And yes, there is the issue of funding them all, too...


  1. Oh wow, some absolute CLASSICS here, great stuff!

    1. Cheers Greg! The BFG models have generally held up. Not sure with some of the escorts - too many skulls and random protrusions...

  2. Wonderful fleet you have built here. The squadrons of my imperial fleet all varied in tone and camp pattern. I really liked the forge world freighters and support ships.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. These are great James, I like the blessed fleet! I know little about Battlefleet Gothic, but those ship class names are pretty hilarious.

    1. I think, technically, the names might be more reflective of Imperial Navy designations for heretic ships. Kinda like what NATO had for Russian aircraft.

  5. Great to see these old skool minis see the light. An I say those some of them look like things that I’d bash with a shoe if they scuttled into the light in my house.

    1. Cheers Peter, I get a real nostalgia buzz from finishing these.

    2. Yes! The ships are creepy and look like they’d scuttle off between the floor boards (after giving me a fright)
      Sooooo …. Well done on the paint job!

  6. Those models have held up well over the ages. I wonder if BFG is a game that GW plans on re-releasing at some point...

    1. Probably the week after I paint my last old mini!

  7. Outstanding looking fleets here James!

  8. Fabulous work on these reconstituted ships James! I particularly like the Nurgle fleet. The use of flesh as part of your recipe is brilliant.

  9. these are great, love the zoomed in shots showing the detail that you have added to the ships, wonderful painting,

  10. These are brilliant James. Love the old school fleets. Well done on these.

  11. That's a game that should come back.

  12. Brilliant effort James, love the red fleet and think the cruiser is stunning

  13. Lovely work. The temptation is just to drybrush the lot the same with these ships, but you have done a nice job.
