Thursday 22 February 2024

From GeoffreyT: Bangarang bot and some old lead (True Crime, Cooking, 70 points)

Hello Challengers,

I have been struggling a bit with some old true scale 25mm figures, they are very fine models, but harder to paint than bigger ones.  So for some relief, here is a much bigger one.

This is scratch build for 'Bill Making Stuff's game 'Bangarang in the Gutterlands' a game designed for scratch built bead bots, as invented by Bill on YouTube.  It is about 54 mm sized.  It reminds me of a Warmahordes Warjack, so seems kind of superfluous as I already have plenty of models from that range that would suit the game.  This is an "upper", you can watch the channel for more lore.  I had a go painting in the style Bill does.  This was my first attempt at use EVA foam sheet for scratch-building, and I must agree it is very good.

Next I have a wee 25mm model for True Crime library section, an old Julie Guthrie “Thief" from Grenadier.  It is very finely detailed and is way beyond my painting skill to work on these days.  But it does jag me some bonus points, even if I cant paint it well.  As said, I struggled with this, but when the painting gets hard, just use a wash and leave the highlighting out I say.

Finally for this week is 3 more very old miniatures, these are bar denizens from Soldiers and Swords miniatures.  Again in a true 25mm scale and too small for me to work on well.  they are very nice models tho, apart from some nasty mould lines and flash.  These will be useful for all games where adventerers start in a tavern.  This should also net me bonus points for Cookery, as ale is really a food, as proven by anyone who has just beer for dinner.

I have now completed all but the final library challenge, for which the Snowlord has set me a task.

For this week I have

4 x 25mm infantry = 20 points

1 x 54mm infantry = 10 points

2 x library shelves = 40 points

Grand Total = 70 points.

Kind Regards


From Millsy: There's some lovely old skool lead here Geoff, especially that Grenadier thief which I also have in my collection. Yours is a much nicer paint job though, mine was done 30+ years ago with enamels and gloss varnish! I particularly like the hand painted bases on all the 25s which really make them stand out from most stuff. Bangarang in the Gutterlands looks interesting and I will have to look into it!


  1. well done Geoff especially the scratch build

  2. Love the old school figures my favorite is the robot, so very cool

  3. Well done on the Bangarang Bot ! I too have watched Bill Making Stuff and I aim to craft some bead-bots in future.

  4. I've got Bangarang and this is very inspiring!

  5. Love the great old lead Geoffrey. Excellent post.

  6. Lovely stuff, really love the old skool robot. Nice basing too.

  7. Great looking old metals. I have a few of those, heavily enameled and in need of a rehab.

  8. Lovely work. I like the planked bases.
