Thursday 29 February 2024

From KentG: 28mm French Line Lancers (pts 120)

For this entry we have 28mm Napoleonic French Line lancers by Front Rank
these figures won't be part of my French army as they are a little bigger than
the Perry figures, but they are still nice and easy to paint

So with these figures I'll just pop over the 3k mark which I'm happy with, 
I seem to be getting less and less time to paint with my nights becoming 
ever more busy, next week I'll be out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 
which doesn't bowed well for adding more points.

the standard is from Piano wargames free downloads as well as the pennants
the only thing with the Pennants is having to paint them three layers but I 
think its worth the effort

These minis have been sitting in a box for around 8 years so
 I'm sure they are happy to not only see the light of day
but also so paint

the command figure didn't come with a horse covering 
which seemed a little strange so I sculpted one out of green stuff, 
it's not my finest work but at least it look right.

These are the last of my lancers for the comp so no more trying to 
gluing pennant points together, yippy


                12 x 28mm French cavalry = 120pts

From Millsy: You're pushing all my Napoleonic buttons with this entry Kent. I absolutely love Front Rank minis and their range is great. You've also picked one of my favourite units with that wonderful mix of green with red facings. Finally you've mixed up the horseflesh colours and the dun in particular is absolutely gorgeous. Lovely work mate!


  1. Very nice. Love the vibrant and colorful uniforms.

  2. Really nice Kent! Your work on the trumpeter is very impressive.

    1. the front Rank figures have good detail which makes it easier to paint

  3. Lovely brushwork Kent, on a Napoleonic bend my self at the moment

    1. Napoleonic's, so much color love painting them. hope you are in the Naps challenge

  4. Lovely brushwork, excellent Front Rank figures

    1. Thank you, the photos weren't my best.

  5. Nice work. I find the Front Rank sit nicely with Perry metals? They do look a little chunkier than the plastics thought.

    1. I don't normally mix the units but they do look fine together on the table

  6. Great painting. I love the Front Rank horses and your painting has done them justice.

  7. Love them. Too bad that they won't see service in your Grande eArmee.

    1. not these chaps but i'll have about 12 regiments of cav that will at this stage

  8. Great job mate - those green uniforms with red facings really pop!
    I'm loving seeing the models after we've heard about them in our paint & chats too (although my wife calls them "Paint and Sip"...I wonder if she means the paint water...)

    1. Yes its great having the chats and then seeing what turns up the at the end of the week

  9. Nothing beats a good unit of Napoleonic cavalry, iconic!

  10. Thank you Ray glad you like them.
