Friday 23 February 2024

From TomL: Nature is harsh for 90 points

Leading us to the Nature section of the library is Sylvia Trent from Bob Murch’s Daughters of the Empire pack.


 Not too far back Studio Tomahawk released the Congo rules with a selection of Wargames Foundry Darkest Africa figures.  I had quite a few other packs from the Foundry DA line so I enthusiastically jumped on board when a friend suggested we bring the game into our club. I painted up a few of the Congo DA figures plus a few packs from the lead mountain fairly quickly. Unfortunately, no one else was very interested and eventually it was relegated to the stalled project shelf. Here we have a Lion,  crocodiles and a pack of Dotted Hyenas from Obolisk miniatures. 

The wounded hyena originally came with 4 legs but one was miscast so...

I call organs.  No fair! You got them last time.

90 points.

10 28mm figures @ 5 = 50

Library Cart - 20

Nature - 20

From Millsy: Another lovely femme fatale Tom but the pick of this post for me is the hyenas. I really like the treatment you have applied to the fur and whilst I feel sorry for the wounded one that's the way nature works!


  1. Wonderful shading / highlighting on Sylvia. And the animals .... I have always steered away from painting anything on 4 legs (other than horses because I have to)

  2. I do like neutral third parties such as animals in my games.

  3. The four legged beasts are superb and the huntress excellent.

  4. Great work on the Veldt fauna, love the fur treatments. However, I think that the lady with the gun is the most dangerous.

  5. Thanks. Bob’s figures have just enough detail and fun to paint. The animals were the first non horses I have painted in quite awhile.

  6. I love this post as know the figure range - great painting on the "hunter", love the colour scheme used and shading effects.

  7. That's a great entry Tom, the animals look great

  8. Wow Tom great painting! The wildlife looks great!

  9. What Millsy said - nice Hyenas

  10. Great work, the hyenas are spot on!

  11. Really nice scenario figures!
