Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From BruceR - Juan and Daisy; Owley Owl Bear; (30 points)

Getting some bits and bobs done.  Still hoping to finish my Eye-Ties, but did do some palette cleansing with these latest additions.  A friend sent around a picture of two Owl Bears he had done and I remembered I had searched and picked one up at ACon last year, so brought it out.  

I know we can get anything we want with printers and ordering, but sometimes just physically searching and browsing stores, etc... is a tonic.  I had found this Owl Bear and not even sure what I will use it for, but with 3 in the group either Frostgrave or Silver Bayonet will see some adventurers beaked or clawed out of existence.   

This is another Reaper Bones miniature monster.  I base coated him in a brown with the airbrush and went to work on his feathers, hide and face.  Some Iraqi Sand, White, Orange, and dry brushes later here he/she is.  I've seen some baby Owl Bears and that's my next search mission as why not, what makes an Owl Bear grumpy but messing with her young.  

I than went to the scatter bits for games.  I had picked up a horse, handler and cart from Wargames foundry.  I try to put out wagons, carts, crates, barrels, etc... for all games as it makes the table seem lived in rather than buildings, woods, roads, and armies.  So this is perfect for simply tied to a post or part of a convoy.  Juan is a relaxed dude as you will note two pipes sticking out of his hat (pipe holder) for those long drives.  Daisy is no speedster but can haul loads for miles.  All were base coated brown with the Owl Bear and brushed up from that base.  Juan is a little pink as I was away without a flesh color and needed to mix/create my own.  

Juan and Daisy looking for a load.


Owl Bear 54mm               10 pts

28mm foot + horse           10 pts

Wagon (treated like 

artillery or crew served)    10  pts

Total                                    30 pts

Not sure if I'll get another post in (I hope to)  if not I want to thank Curt and Sarah for once again putting on a great show.  I know, like many others, this gets me through the winter months and doing something I enjoy.  Everybody's feed back helps to keep us going and all positive.  Thanks also to minion Greg for taking care of us Wednesday'ers.  Be well and if you are at ACon I'm the old guy running Sharp Practice Peninsular so say hi and put faces to handles.  Cheers.



Constructive feedback can be useful, but for this one I'm just gonna go with OWL BEAR! OH YEAH! Really sharp painting on this entertaining monster. Dispensing grief and wisdom! Just wonderful, and your brushwork captured the effects beautifully!

It has been a tremendous Challenge for you, and I know I speak for all when I say we have enjoyed your efforts very much!



  1. Wonderful work. The fur on the owl bear as well as the work on the horse and it’s cart.

  2. Excellent stuff again, Bruce! I have admired many of your entries during the Challenge, and this is one of the top class for sure. Owlbear is great and the small diorama with Juan and Daisy is terrific!

  3. Fantastic work on the owl bear, but Juan is my favourite. Well done!

  4. Great work Bruce. Lovin the wagon.

  5. Loving that owlbear I want one!
