Monday, 17 March 2025

From DaveD: This is the end of Winter (85 pt)

My final entry continues the Ardennes winter theme. I have a game booked in with the guys from the North Riding Wargames club this coming Sunday and it needs some extra American infantry to give me some game design options.

A platoon of infantry , 3 30 cal M1919 MG’s , a Mortar and yet another Bazooka team .

Unfortunately the scenic bases I have had on order for the last month seem to be on back order again so I have gone with an ordinary winter base .

3 30 cals and the platoon mortar 

I found a suitable scenic base for another bazooka team.

This project still has some ongoing life in it with various top up options being looked at .

After doing a 1000 10mm Zulus it was good to paint something larger ! 

Points , 15mm infantry :-

39 foot and 6 prone = 85 points 

It’s been a more productive challenge than I had expected. Focussing mostly on 2 projects- the Winter table has in essence been created and  completed including all the terrain for it . The Zulu armies have been raised and have crossed the “Zulus - Thousands of em!” threshold . The  first playtest with MartinC’s Brits has been completed. The campaign game is in the planning 

My next job is a serious tidy up of the paint desk and pack up the winter table ready for gaming on Sunday 

Thanks of course go the usual behind the scenes crew that make this work . See you on the round up.

From Millsy:

It's been a while since I have had the opportunity to minion a DaveD post. Perhaps that's why Private Millsy has been conspicuously absent from rollcall of late?

These look amazing Dave. Despite the lack of scenic bases you've done a cracking job on the winter theme, with the glimpses of mud showing through the snow and the frozen tufts.

Sounds like you have a great game ahead of you. Hopefully these stout doughboys can see off the final push from the Germans and then it's on to Berlin.

85 points added to your tally mate. Well done on a great Challenge!



  1. More brilliant work - I'll continue to follow the progress and use of these on FB when the challenge is over

  2. @Millsy -cheers mate . Just been so busy with full on projects - the banter will be back on next year with luck!

  3. Good job here, too, Dave! Good luck in the gaming games!
