Monday, 17 March 2025

From KerryT: A Douglas, a Douglas, a Douglas... Scottish Schiltron (270 points)

Morning, afternoon and evening all

Just like many others, I find myself wondering where the time has gone with just 3 and a half days left of the challenge.  Thank you all for your kind comments and support throughout this years challenge and especially to Millsy my long suffering minion. 

Not only have I been privileged to see and be inspired by so many wonderful entries over the 13 weeks but I have really enjoyed and benefitted from the twice weekly paint & chat in the company of some terrific guys in the Monday group. We've covered a range of topics and chatted about them, shared tips and ideas, talked about life and even told the odd bad joke.

So its with some sadness that I present my last Monday entry (Though I hope to get one more submission in before Thursday). More Scottish I'm afraid though a  mix of manufacturers this time

James Douglas and the Earl of Carrick in the left hand unit

Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser & Cowie with Earl Gordon of Howie

As I've previously mentioned I've been wandering somewhat aimlessly through the Medieval period so far. Just recently I decided I'd try and build an initial Scottish contingent for around the time of Bannockburn. Why? Well its the flags you see, most of my Scottish flags (Flags of war) are for Bannockburn (1314) while inexplicably my English are those for Otterburn (1388). Never mind, I'll be more careful with my next project! 

To think that it all started with Footsore and the Baron's war (1215-17)! Moral of the story, never fall for a Kickstarter!

With that in mind and not having done my research adequately (oh look shiny..) I had this notion of making at least a portion of the Scots look impoverished and dated. Consequently in Sir James Douglas' unit below you'll find Footsore Barons war, Footsore Medieval Welsh knights, Wargames Atlantic knights and the odd Medbury Miniatures figures. 

I started and finished  Douglas' unit in a mad rush I'd add, started painting yesterday and painted all day and managed to base them today

When it came to shiels and livery I had a wander around the Wappen Wiki site and picked out shield designs I fancied and also made a few up. One chap on the LAF forum put a post up and added near relatives of James Douglas which he's carefully researched. I've taken the liberty of copying some of those.

 I figured that a lord would fight with his retainers, many of which would include family though I  have no historical knowledge or evidence on which to base this though! Hence the reason for having the banner of the Earl of Carrick in the same unit. 

That's a pretty awful attempt at a fleur de lys - that's why he's in the back!

Nom matter how hard you try hand painted flags area poor substitute compared to FOW

The Earl of Carrick - Medbury Miniatures STL

A mix of figures but they all run away

The second unit are all Medbury Miniatures from STL's that I printed and from the Scottish Wars of Independence range and 100YW range. I think I added the odd Perry head here and there

A mix of painted shields and flags

For this unit I decided on the long bases to protect the pike but this time added knights and men at arms at the front to give more depth and variation

Knights and men at arms duck under the spears

A bag of pipes

I like the Medbury Men at arms in gambeson

These run away as well

Finally having painted a few Scottish over the course of the challenge I thought I'd put them all together

I clearly need another 48 spearmen/ infantry to fill the back ranks on some units

Thank you all once again for looking, with any luck I might get a chance to complete a few command figures in the next 3 days.

For now

54 x 28mm Foot figures  @ 5 points = 270 points
No bonuses or squirrels
28 x 5 = 140 Can opener side challenge

With many thanks and best wishes


From Millsy:

As a Douglas myself I can't think of a more fitting way to close out your Challenge Kerry! Your army shots are truly something special.

These are absolutely superb and I think you've exceeded even your usual high standards with this entry. The brushwork is so well executed and the way you've built out the schiltrons is utterly convincing, each stand is like a mini diorama packed with story telling. I can almost hear the shouts, curses and the clash of steel.

As to being a long suffering minion, I think you have the wrong end of the stick mate. It's been a joy to minion your works again and to be the first to drool over your work. Thanks for sharing with us again this year.

270 brilliant points and what a way to finish!



  1. I often end up with mix and match manufacturer units as well. Great painting - thanks for sharing such well taken and posed photos as well.

  2. Good looking photos and the miniatures not bad either! Hand painted shields look good, only way to get better is to practice. :)

  3. These bands of fighters with common or shared families look great - i like the explanation on flags as well. Excellent stuff!

  4. Absolutely stunning brushwork Kerry. I really like those mixed units with the wide assortment of kit. And yes, it's all about the brave banners isn't it? :)

  5. Wonderful painting on the entire Scottish horde. You definitely need at least another 48 men for the back ranks. :)

  6. Excellent Kerry. I do hope you get another post in as I have loved seeing all that you have put up.
