Master of Signals from the XV Legion Astartes, the Thousand Sons. |
Ah, the mad final dash to score a few more points during AHPC XV has arrived at last! And with this in mind, I present to solitary 28mm figure. Kind of underwhelming - but we go with what we've got! This is a Legion Master of Signals, painted in the colours of the XV Legion Astartes, known as the Thousand Sons. This is a multi-part 28mm resin figure, available at one time from GW's Forge World studio.
Handy bolt pistol, and communications bits... |
Everyone hates dropped calls. Purging the galaxy in the name of The Emperor is already hard work, and the task doesn't get any easier when you can't communicate with your battle brothers. Enter the Legion Master of Signals, a specialist command figure who will help your Space Marines get the widest and fastest available 5G+ wireless data speeds even as they empty their bolt guns and flamers into to midst of whatever pack of fools took the fatally foolish decision to stand against the Sons of Magnus.
There is a lot happening on this power pack! I accidentally cut off one of the cables during my prep work...but it is still fine overall. |
This is an old figure - circa 2014, somewhere around there. I loved it when it first came out. Not only do all of the assorted whacky antennae and communications bits look great, but this figure was, in fact, a quiet little tribute to GW's early Warhammer 40k period, the time of "Rogue Trader" - see "Communications Officer Orinoco". I love this figure so much that I painted one for my Sons of Horus (obvs) and another for the Imperial Fists. Since I wanted to try and add to my XV Legion during AHPC XV, I thought it would be fun to paint another one for the Thousand Sons.
"Ahriman - can you hear me now?" |
The Thousand Sons are known for their mastery of obscure lore and dangerous powers - standard communications doesn't really come to mind when you think of their story. After all, who needs wi-fi when you can just use telepathy to communicate with your buddies. That said, use of warp powers can have, um, lets call it "occasional side effects", so ensuring you have a full suite of standard communications is still really important, even if you are an armoured space wizard.
"Hey, cool! Horus 'liked' my last online post! Also we have jammed the enemy's comms!" |
In playing the current edition of the 30k game, I have also found the Master of Signal is ridiculously useful to have around. The game offers all sorts of terrifying means to deploy - drop pod assaults, underground termite assaults, mass teleport assaults etc. The Master of Signals increases the chances that the other player's assault will get a bit jammed up in addition to other benefits. Useful to have around.
So for scoring...well, it's pretty boring. Just a single 28mm foot figure, so that is good for five points. But wait, there's more! He also has TWO skullz on his armour (one on the vambrace, and the other on his chest plate) - so hopefully a bit more for my skullz tally!
The brushes are still's hoping I can squeeze one or two more posts in before we wrap up!
Fabulous work, Greg! As you can see from my post earlier today you are in good company with quixotic, single figure entries. As any stage producer would say, you gotta tease them with the small acts before you come in with the big closing number.
I love this guy, especially as he's a nod to those heady, wild-and-whacky days of Rogue Trader. The super saturated red and yellow of his armour is ace, and that pose is definitely on-point, 'If I get another busy signal I swear to Horus I'm going to call in a air strike on this f*&$er...'
Well done dude!
- Curt
That's wonderful paitning