Monday, 17 March 2025

From MartinC The end of another challenge (222.5pts)

So here we are, my final post of this year's challenge.  It's been a weird one for me. My 1st as a retired man and I have painted less than usual. How did I ever find the time. Although I've painted a lot of 10mm, which is not points heavy. It has been fun and I've started and finished a project, finished other one and done some bits and pieces.

If you look hard in the grass you can see 5 crocodiles,  to disrupt river crossings 

Wagons, limbers and field ambulances 

The column commanders,  Chelmsford,  Pearson, Durnford and Wood

Buffalo Border Guard

3 companies of dismounted mounted infantry

90th foot

6 companies of 99th foot

The full menagerie 

Number 4 column

Number 3 column 

Number 2 column

Number 1 column

The logistics 

All of them

Not quite finished yet. I have a 10mm Jacobite army that I'm using for an imagination campaign. Had a few figures to paint to make imaginary units

First up are the rangers and gamekeepers of the Queens Royal deer Park. This illustrious unit of light infantry was once a great force but has fallen on hard times recently. There are known as the Queen's Park Rangers or QPR

Lastly the night watch, lead by Captain Vanessa. These are only armed with halberds and are really for ceremonial purposes 

Final scores on the doors

10mm foot = 143
10mm cav = 21
10mm vehicles = 36
10mm crocs = 2.5
Total = 222.5


Being somewhat of an aficionado of the Zulu War myself (albeit in 15mm) I like a good Flying column and logistics train. The whole project look fabulous and I'm glad you had time to take pics of the lot, including camp and bell tents.  

And good luck Captain Vanessa - I suspect you're going to need some shortly around all those dodgy folk lurking in the park!

Congrats on finishing up another Challenge Martin!

- Paul

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