Monday, 17 March 2025

From Millsy: Star Wars Legion Tusken Raiders (60 points)

G'day All,

Brown is the new black apparently. Having spent a fair chunk of the early Challenge up to my ears in black paint I've now spent the last six weeks or so painting mostly muted colours, including a lot of browns. So many browns. This post is 90% brown. To quote Eric Olthwaite... "Even the black bits are brown!" I stopped counting at eight different browns and that's without the highlights.

I encourage you to play the following whilst viewing my efforts for a fully immersive experience. Feel free to join in. I did.

Tusken Raiders aka Sand People are an iconic part of the Star Wars universe, featuring heavily in A New Hope and appearing on and off elsewhere. They made up a large chunk of the early episodes of The Book of Boba Fett too. I love the creepy buggers and think they are amongst the most interesting and believable races/cultures in the Star Wars universe.

These are more 3D prints as there's no official miniatures. Again, WHY NOT? They're beautifully detailed although on the fragile side given how slim / true scale their weapons are.

Painting them up was great fun but did present a challenge to maintain the drab look without making them uninteresting. The bandaged heads with all the gribblies took by far the longest and apart from maybe Napoleonic minis I can't think of anything equally detailed and more complex.

The bantha is a beast (literally) and really has a solid presence about it. In games it'll be fun, very hard to take down but also slow as a wet week. Kind of like a WWI tank sporting horns and a mohair coat. I'm treating it as a vehicle when considering the ROI given the size.

  • 7 x 28mm infantry = 35 points
  • 1 x 28mm vehicle (?) + driver = 15 points
Total =  50 points

Thanks for looking!


This post is nuthin' but a bunch of "Bantha poodoo!" :-)

What a fab submission mate- Who doesnt love the Sand People? So misunterstood...

With all that Brown done you'll be ready to paint a bunch of North African DAK and 8th Army next surely? Great job though, its really hard to get good contrasts when operating at a limited end of the palette but you've nailed it. I think its your use of texture, both sculpted and implied, that really bring these to life. 

Great job Millsy - I assess this as a fulsome 60 point submission. 
Now you need to put this sign on one of your buildings now! :-)

- Paul


  1. Love this project matey - the Bantha is cool

  2. Very nice browns! And like Dave said, that Bantha is cool!
