Tuesday 3 March 2020

AdamC: French Frigate, Brig and US Brig (40 Points)

Continuing construction of my Black Seas ships which are now slated to make an appearance at Huzzah!Con in May.
First up is a French Frigate.  I haven't christened it with any particular name yet but it could be L'Insurgent a French frigate captured by USS Constellation making it a nice option doing double duty.
Detail work on the windows came out well.  The yellow of the French ships is easier to paint then black and white of the USN paint scheme
There was a French Frigate with the name Carrere very nearly my own family name which gives me another possible name for her.
My second French Brig Not much new to say here other than to note that her sails are printed on paper from a file supplied by Wargames Illustrated.
The Sails came out looking good and this will probably be my go to option when I need sails in the future.
Here is the full French Squadron Two Brigs, Two Frigates and a Corvette. 
Here we have another American Brig.  I used the AWI US flag because I always liked it and why not.
I now have three Brigs in the USN paint Scheme.
I've got one more Frigate to finish up that will be in Royal Navy colors.  Points 10 each for the Brings and 18 for the Frigates so 38 Points all together plus any extras for the various flags ect 
I also wanted to provide a picture of Tom's excellent Naga that I got for my prize at the Snow Lords peak. It arrived a few weeks ago but I haven't had a chance to post a photo of it and thank him yet.
By Paul:

Lovely ships and those massed Frenchies look wonderful (and ripe for a good cutting out action!)

The USN ships look great too - little scorpions but with sharp stings!

Take 40 points with a few extras for the bunting

PS Great to see that lovely Naga safe and sound in her new lair! 


  1. Thank you Paul! The French might well suffer a cutting out excercise of some sort. I can rig them with American or British Colors if needed (as you probably all know).

  2. Always nice to see more of these - you're clearly building quite a collection, Adam. Now - time for a 1st rater??

    1. I don't have any at this time. None made an apearence in the Quasi-War. My love goes to the little ships any way. Though I would like to add a few 3rd rates at some point.

  3. Nice ship Adam - your fleet is coming along well :)

  4. Great work Adam. It's been really cool seeing the various fleets come together. Well done.

  5. Great looking fleet in being! All for a war I didn't know existed, everyday is a school day!
    Best Iain

    1. As wars go the Quasi-War isn't much and it vanishes into the background of the Napoleonic Wars on the French side and is over shaddowed by the War of 1812 of the American Side. Still I find it facinating for both its political and military aspects.

  6. More adversaries for the ole Jack Tars, great stuff!

    1. I hope I can find dsome Jack Tars in my nieghborhood.

  7. Great work on these Adam, good luck with your convention game, post AARs for us.
