Tuesday 3 March 2020

From SanderS: Conquest of Tatooine (128 pts)


Since this last week was a week off from school I managed to up my quotum of painting time. Therefore I have managed to get some more figures from the Star Wars Legion commission I am painting done.
My client basically bought one of each set available at the time for the game and that means I had a squad of Scout- and Snow Troopers still to finish. Since he has a matt for gaming that is firmly themed for desert warfare, (Tatooine anyone?) we decided I would paint all his remaining troops in desert/ sand-coloured outfits as well as the regular Sand troopers I'd already finished.

We start off with the Snow/ Desert troopers.

 Next are the Scout troopers. Well I say Scout troopers, but upon researching them we stumbled along the "Shore Troopers" as featured in Rogue One. This is just such a cool scheme we had to try it out and I must say these are so damn cool I would almost consider getting a box. (Yes guys I know Fantasy Flight games have in the meanwhile released an actual box of dedicated Shore Troopers) 

Last of the bunch are two speederbikes. Now we all know they are flown by Scouts so I left these as Scout troopers but painted the armour sand colour, so they would match up better with the others. 

The bases deserve a separate mention since they include lines that depict fire arcs or somesuch. This is rather a bummer since it means I should keep them functional and not cover them up in basing material. I had a few trials and ended up with the results above and I think it really works: I only put filler on the spaces in between the lines leaving them free. When painted I dripped some Agrax wash into the lines to make them stand out a bit more.

That leaves us with the points counting and I am going to follow Tamsin here who scored my first Legion entry is 40mm figures. 14 foot figures is 98 points and 2 mounted figures is 30 so that makes for 128 points this lot gains me.

This leaves me with an AT-ST, Assault tanks, some specialists and Lord Vader himself still in the cue for this commission.

Cheers Sander
by Paul:
Thats a great collection of Imperial troopers Sander.  Given how nice these look, I'm not sure why anybody would be inspired to play Rebels! Great stuff!


  1. Brilliant stuff Sander. Victoria and I have just started on our Star Wars: Legion journey and your stuff has been an inspiration.

    1. Funny you should say that: I need to paint Boba for my client and will shamelesly steal your paintscheme as inspiration...

  2. Great looking troopers, love the shore troopers especially!
    Best Iain

    1. They really are some of the better thought out designs of troopers for the sequels I am sure!

  3. Thanks Paul, as to the Rebel scum: they have some nice units to paint too...

  4. Nice work on these SWL figures Sander. Enjoy your break from school!

  5. What a good idea to change the paint scheme to keep them interesting, lovely job.

  6. I like the snow-to-sand troopers in particular.
