Tuesday 3 March 2020

From SamuliS: Panzeraufklärung scout out Bromley's Butte (84 points)

After a quick balloon ride I find myself at Bromley's Butte ready to gather intel for my next move on the challenge trail.

My take on the recon aspect might be a bit unorthodox, but hopefully it is deemed justified. Like Bromley I found myself assigned to reconnaissance while doing my military service. I actually applied for it after being inspired by my grandfather who served in WW2 in one of the long range recon troops in the Finnish army. However the unit I served in was part of a mechanized brigade and as such I served in mechanized reconnaissance with us recon guys being carried into operations either in IFVs or dropped off with helicopters (which unfortunately only happened once in training). So a ton of firepower packed into a compact unit to be able to punch through towards the rear areas to conduct the reconnaissance there or hit support troops when they least expect it. And the IFVs can be surprisingly stealthy if you just drive them slowly and apply enough camouflage on the vehicles.

 A pic from my archives showing enough camouflage stuck to one of our IFVs

Slight change in between the picture in my military pass and over ten years later at a retraining exercise that I attended some years back.

So with that explanation out of the way I think it's time to share my entry with a continuation on my Flames of War German project. Two patrols of halftracked recon. Both with a command 250 halftrack and two 250/9s with their 2cm autocannons providing some firepower to get through any resistance they encounter.

 These are the older resin ones that I'd acquired years ago and now revitalized with a new paintjob to improve on the ones I had done some 10 years ago. Like all my other German vehicles it has a modulated yellow basecoat with camo applied by an airbrush. After chipping there is a heavy wash layer and even heavier layers of mud effect. I maybe went a bit overboard on them as the tracks are nearly completely covered.

So that's 6 vehicles and three crew to add to my tally with 54 points and then 30 bonus points for the challenge island step.
By Paul

Its always a treat to minion your entries Samuli! John Marsden famously said that "Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted" and your pics (real and miniature) bear that out!  I love the weathering you have done and based on my time washing military equipment, that mud is not overdone at all :-)  

No doubt those AFVs will come in very handy on the tabletop and I pity any enemy infantry in range of those autocannons.  84 points it is!


  1. Excellent recon vehicles Samuli :)

  2. Nice weathering and camo!
    Best Iain

  3. Thanks Paul! Yeah trying to get all the mud out of your vehicles could be a massive pain at times :D Amazing how sticky it can be especially when it seems to seep into every darn tiny whole. I have a picture from during reserve officer school from when a BMP-2 driver managed to drive into a large mud pool with the hatches open. Enough of a splash to go over the turret and the guy was sitting inside a completely flooded drivers compartment. Must have been fun cleaning that out :D

  4. Lovely stuff Samuli. I do have a fondness for the SdKfz250 and its variants.

  5. The vehicles are awesome, I do like a well painted camo scheme, but I must say I liked the personal interest story far more. It would also be rad to see a miniature version of the first picture complete with a younger Samuli!

  6. Great vehicles and awesome back story.
