Tuesday 3 March 2020

from RayR - AArr Jim Lad & Monkey (12 points)

More figures that have been sitting around for far too long.
The figures are from North Star's Fantasy Worlds - Pirate range, that I think were bought 
out to go along with the release of Osprey's On the Seven Sea's Pirate rules.

Although not listed the treasure chest came with the figures, so I thought I'd paint them up as a group. Jim can be used in various ways in most of my Donnybrook armies, as can the treasure chest, but the big question is what the hell am I gonna do with the monkey???

10 points for the figures and another few for the treasure chest??

By Paul
Shiver me timbers and splice the mainbrace! Who doesnt love a hark back to Treasure Island? A Classic tale indeed.  Have you seen the version with Eddy Izzard as Long John? His best performance to date in my book. 12 points to ye land lubber!


  1. Nice work Ray, but it isn't a Donnybrook AAR ;)

    1. You have a keen eye Tamsin?

    2. Indeed I do! :)

      "What do we want?"
      "Ray's Donnybrook AAR!"
      "When do we want it?"
      "Before he posts any more painted minis!"

    3. Hear Her! Hear HER!

      Also nice work Ray

    4. Hear hear! Come on Ray!

  2. Nice cabin boy and lot,you could say the monkey is French, if you were from Hull?
    Best Iain

  3. Splendid stuff. Just stay out of Hartlepool with that French spy.

  4. Great work! Gotta love the monkey miniature!

  5. Stop agrandising yourself! That miniature of you and Jim lad are well painted but smack of narcism mate :-p

  6. You must have been an awful kid to raise Ray! Stopping arsing around and follow simple effing directions for once in your life.

    Nice figures BTW.

  7. Nice work and I’m be sure to look out for them in the soon-to-be-unveiled AAR.....!
