Tuesday 16 February 2021

AndrewB- Lair of the Great Beast (40 points)

 Sorry for the lack of posts recently ladies and gentlemen, work has been nutty, and the delightful weather the Midwest has been dealing with has been...fun.  

Anyhow, my pulp adventurers have a few new beasties to face down on their adventures!   These crocodiles/alligators (usually just call em big-ass lizards, not a herpetologist over here) will surely give them fits.  

These three big boys or girls have big teeth, crashing tails, and appetites for goobers in pit helmets!   The smaller markets are for submerged actions.  I have a couple for hippos as well, but I haven’t found any hippos outside the water like I have for these guys.  Sometimes painting tropical creatures tends to make you feel a little warmer, and these guys sure brought the warm and fuzzies on a snow day, just like they’ll bring butterflies to my pulp figures’ stomachs. 

I don’t know how the last chamber, AKA level four works, but I’m ready for the challenge!  

Not sure about the head markers, but the reptiles are big, especially for 28s, so I’ll chalk up a tentative 20pts for the figures and 20 for the chamber!
Happy painting!  See you soon!

Well, those leftovers from the dinosaur era should be enough to give most people the fits. If I score the two smaller ones as 28mm foot and the big one as 28mm mounted that should cover the heads as well.



  1. Great looking crocs or gators. I’m not planning to get close enough to properly ID them.

  2. Lovely looking trio of lizards!
    Best Iain

  3. Nice beasties. May they feast on many a pulp explorer!
