Saturday 20 February 2021

From BruceR Hall of Heros (30 pts)

         After beaching the Tug, the party moves into the Hall of Heroes and is greeted by another contingent of the Movember Crew.  Only a hero can sport such "Marvelous Mustaches" and thus the heroes of the chamber. The two guide the party through the hall and beyond leaving us with some thoughtful words as we continue our investigation of the Chambers.

 Captain Krustache of Kashgar

"I have some interesting scrolls back it the yurt if you would care to see them"

The 2015 Movember sculpt by Bob Murch



Pasha Moustasha Ali-Pasha

"What you need to remember Gentlemen, is that monkeys can be troublesome for the expedition cook, but apes are a distinct hazard for the radio operator under all circumstances." 

The figure are great fun to paint and I'll use them in any number of adventure style scenarios.  
With that I've cleaned up a batch of Pulp Figure British Army Tropical Rifles to supplement the sailors back at the Tug. Hope to get to them, which could be difficult as we went above freezing (here in the south of the Great White North) for the first time in 28 days.  Painting could be "challenged". 

Stay well.
2 28mm 10 points + Chamber 20 pts = 30 pts total.


  1. Lovely looking pair of pulp gentlemen! Splendid!
    Best Iain

  2. great couple of figures, I see Captain Krustache is a Slytherin alumni ;-)

  3. A fine pair of moustaches and fine figures behind them
