Saturday 20 February 2021

From TeemuL: Who is your father, the Gallery of Ancestors (40 points)

"The Gallery of Ancestors" reads Shellington from the sign. "At last, something which makes sense in this part of the university", he thought relieved. But what was that noise, low grunting and shouting, cling of metal and some stomping. "Some youngsters who don't know how to behave", thought Uggla on took a tighter grip of his bottle. "I'm not a beardling!" "We have never heard of Gloin, young one." "You are imposters, the dwarf lords with rings died ages ago!" "Do you think this Mithril axe is false, do you?!?" T.S. Owl-Ord easily bypassed this group of apparent relatives, who seemed to be even more lost than him. And they were those short ones as well, the same as the 3 in the previous room. Hopefully this was last of them, he hoped quietly while continuing his walk.

The Gallery of Ancestors, I present you Gimli, son of Gloin, and three ancient Dwarf Lords, at least one of them most likely an ancestor of him. These are 3 of 4 different Dwarf King sculpts who were given the rings of power in the past.

I continued with bright Contrast colors, making some generic heroes for my very small MESBG Dwarf army. I painted the hair/beard and cloak in different colors for them, making it easier to recognize them on the table.

They were nice to paint, enough details and small enough for quick finish. I have the fourth one coming, but I made an error earlier, when I split the order of our group made and I had one of kings as duplicate. The process to get him back is in progress, remembering the covid-19 instructions, of course.

The kings are of course the older people here, some bizarre event has dropped Gimli in front of them. This is a metal sculpt with Elven Cloak, but I haven't had time to find out from which box he is coming from. He was part of a second hand box I bought some time ago.

Gimli is not as bright colored as the kings, but painted with Contrasts. I just wanted him to have basically the same colors as other miniatures I have. The bright green cloak means Elven Cloak on my gaming table.

That should be 4 28mm miniatures, 20 points (also for GW side duel).

Then 20 points from the room, making it total of 40 (no skulls).

Is this the last Shellington sees of dwarfs when he continues towards The Guardroom...?


  1. Classic GW Lotr minis here Teemu, thanks for sharing them. I like your bright take on the Dwarf Kings, very striking and a fine choice for this Chamber.

  2. Great work on these Dwarven Lords.

  3. Nice group of Dwarves, well done.

  4. Those are some very well painted Dwarfs!

  5. Great looking Dwarf kings,and Gimli is great!
    Best Iain

  6. Thank you very much everyone! I'm too busy at the moment to properly answer each and every one. :(
