Sunday 13 February 2022

From Barks: Sci-fi ups and downs (40 points)

First, some 'Volucrix Reavers' from Descent, painted to match the boardgame's art. I think they would make good porigotas for Stargrave. They are mostly Contrast Ultramarines Blue over white.

Second, a post-apoc girl from Tagged Events. The arms didn't print properly so I greenstuffed on some some new ones from the bitz box. I like how she came out; I'm cautiously anticipating GW's Necromunda: Ash Wastes that was recently announced.

Third, a zoat. This is one of the least enjoyable models I have ever painted- and I've painted a lot. It's an over-engineered push-fit model, such that when you glue it there is no room for the glue and it doesn't fit together well. So there was a lot of dodgy greenstuffing going on. Next, I struggled to interpret its inscrutable alien technology. I had no image in my head of what I wanted it to look like; what bits would be which colours and where I would like to draw the eye. It's a bit of a hot rainbow mess, and some parts have ben repainted multiple times to try and save it. I could bring it up a notch with some fancy effects and a lot of edge highlighting, but it isn't worth it and barely reaches the standard I set myself. Does not spark joy.

It has some redeeming features:

  • I like the skin
  • I don't have any more of them to paint
  • It gets me 8 points to my challenge
  • It fills a good slot on Slowpainter's ABC

5x 28mm figures: 25 points

1x big guy: 8 points

Slowpainter's ABC: Z is for Zoat

If anyone's got any suggestions for a quick fix, colour theory, spot colours, consolation etc.- let me know.


Great post Barks. Your Reavers kind of make me laugh as, when grouped in your photo, they have a wonderful K-Pop, boy-band, music-move look to them. 'Ladies and gentlemen! Please, give a big hand for 'Volucrix and the Reavers'!! :)

My favourite is the post apoc gal with the yellow autogun and great blu doo. I've heard about the new 'Ash Wastes', but have not researched it yet, being somewhat overcautious with GW's releases of late. I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

Funny, I had the opposite experience with the Zoat, as I quite liked the model and had a lot of fun painting it. That being said, I can understand your aggravation with puzzling out all the grafted tech amongst his flaps and folds. I remember I had to do a bit of Google-Fu to figure it all out before painting it. Since you asked, here are my efforts with the arcane critter (along with his pal, the Ambull) - funny, as a bit of foreshadowing, you commented on it saying you were planning to tackle yours in the near future. As a small consolation, I'm scoring the Zoat as a 40mm cavalry figure for 15 points as I remember him being a rather large lad. 

- Curt


  1. Nice bunch of space oddities Barks. Sounds like you had some obstacles with a couple of them.

  2. I actually really like how you painted the Zoat; the dark grey armour and the red scales look fantastic together.

  3. Great job on all of these but my favourite is the post-apoc girl.

  4. I'm another fan of the zoat Barks - works really well I think

  5. Really cool figures, excellent paint job

  6. I like the post-apoc girl, her face looks spot on for a Mad Max -style universe. Yuo have painted the Zoat nicely, but I understand your issues. You have painted the belly in light colour, but in front it is covered by armour, so it can't be seen. The face is behind the mask as well. Very hard to notice where his head, is at least in the photos. Maybe a paler head to draw attention or some zebra stripes to break the red skin. I don't know, just thinking aloud. :)

    1. No, they're good ideas. I did make the head lighter as I was going, but I could take it further.

  7. Nice mix of figures, the zoat looks alright to me, maybe a dark wash to show up the details? Fast and dirty !
    Best Iain

    1. I’m leaning towards highlights rather than shades- it’s got a lot of big flat areas.

  8. Great job Barks. The post-apocalyptic girl is indeed fabulous, but I just love the Zoat. For me, I think it is the Rogue-Trader-era shout-out aspect of it - whatever complications you had to overcome (and it seems like there were many), it is so cool!

    1. It’s certainly unique and I hope my feelings shift when I do get it to the table.

  9. Lovely job Barks! Those top aliens look like they’re all doing the running man at an 80’s nightclub and they’re all the better for it :) you did a better job on the Zoat than you think, although the original metals are hard to beat.

    1. They do look like a chorus line when I put them side by side.

  10. Hi Barks:
    Great work all around. The post-apoc girl reminds me of the gang that the one character in the German Netflix series Dark meets when he goes in the future.
    As for that crazy Zoat, I'm not even sure what I'm looking at, other than a patient and well executed paint job.
    Well done.
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Dark was confusing to this bear of very little brain!

      Thanks for the kind words, Padre.
