Sunday 13 February 2022

From DaveD - more Nam VC (105 points)

Today's entry sees the last of VC in the lead pile for the ‘Nam collection . Again these are by Gringo40's . Twenty foot figures and two prone.

I have maintained the more classic black look for these as will be adding some for the more urban setting so they will have a different look and more rubble type bases . 

That takes me to 33 VC for this Challenge so that will do for now.  Of course that  now means by VC/NVA storage box is now full to overflow so a new box has been started for future expansion.

Having looked back on my own painting its been almost a full year of things for the Nam project - so its definitely time for something different 


20 x 28mm foot = 100 pts

2 x 28mm prone = 5 pts


This is an excellent looking cadre of VC, Dave. You've done such brilliant work on this project over the year, with all the iconic figures, vehicles and terrain. Nonetheless, I can see wanting to take a break from this period and stretch into something else. I look forward to seeing what grabs your attention next!

- Curt


  1. Nice Victor Charlies, Dave! :)

  2. This has been a great project to watch Dave, but I can understand wanting to work on something else.

  3. Very nice, Dave! Great to see such a focus on a project and well painted, too!

  4. Your dedication to this project is something else! It is so well done!

  5. Great looking Viet Cong!
    Best Iain

  6. Great looking figures and terrain bases.

  7. Great looking stuff and love the bases - what are you using for grass tufts Dave?

  8. You can never have too many VC in a Vietnam game

  9. Fantastic work as ever Dave. Well done.

  10. Splendid work, Dave. I always think of the courage of the VC, when you consider the firepower they went up against and their sheer persistence. Not unlike the opponents in another US war four decades later. :(
    Cheers, MikeP
