Thursday 12 January 2023

From GeoffreyT: I have no idea what this is (Arthouse)(65 points)

In the Arthouse studio, things are starting to get just that little bit odd.

So odd that I have no idea what this is, despite having I sculpted it.  if anyone has any idea what it could be please let me know.

It is 50mm tall to top of the head.  Normally a miniature is measured to eye height, but in this case it proved futile as it has no eyes.  Lets say if it did have eyes they would be about 40mm from the ground.

There is a group of you-tube creators that have an annual event called Monster bash, where they compile a list of 100 monstrous image prompts, then they randomly select seven each and make a monster that includes those seven elements.  The image cards are available online, so anyone can join the madness.  I made this thing from the 'Monster Bash 3' card set.

The elements were; an eyeless face with big grin and slit nostrils, insectoid wings, hooves, humanoid ears with spikes on them, scrawny arms with extra articulation, upwardly curving facial hair, and an enclosed helm.  The elements are all included here.

The enclosed helm was a conundrum, as there were 3 facial features it would wipe out, so I did the helm being held in the hand.  The curvy facial hear came out great, but somewhat disturbing as it is both facial hair and groin hair.  There was no directive for the butt, so I extended the hooves theme, to have horse hooves supplemented by a horse sized arse.

The you-tube channel where I first saw the use the monster bash cards is "Bill Making Stuff".  It is about Bill, and he makes stuff.  The thing Bill make that are most characteristic of his work is beadbots.  These, as the name would suggest are robot minis made out of beads.  I made some too.

Bill paints everything rusty, so I did too.

They are about 40-65mm tall, so lets say 40mm figure on average.  The Beads were handed down to me for modelling by my now adult daughter.  I am pleased with how the in-line-skate bot came out.

Finally I add in a tiny-tiny miniature I made.  Nominally 28mm scale, but is actually about 6mm.  It is a sentient voodoo doll.

In the excellent "Perilous Tales" B-test rules by Mike Hutchinson, one of the antagonists has a voodoo doll that moves independently from the practitioner.  So I made this, replete with inserted needles.


6 x40 mm miniatures = 42 points

1 x 6mm figure = not enough for a point

1 x Arthouse bonus = 20 points

Total gain = 62 points and some disturbed thoughts

From TeemuL: I guess this will be a common feeling, but I have no idea what I can see in this post, but I like it! The monster is great and those rusty non-vehicles are good looking, too. Tiny voodoo doll is a great addition and creates nice contrast. I can see him walking along those bead-robots like some kind of herder or something.

I'll round up that 6mm mini for one complete point and give a few extra points for the awesomeness of your building process.


  1. Loving the art house entry, completely weird. Just like arthouse!


  2. That's certainly a bizarrely bashed monster, Geoff! Nicely done! :)

  3. Neither do I Geoff, but again I tip my hat to your creativity! The voodoo doll is great!

  4. Perfect entry for the Art house lot. We could spend hours debating the symbolism of your walking butt. I saw this post was in draft for most of week and it took tremendous will power to refrain from checking it out before it went live. WTF indeed.

    Love the bead bots, I may need to make some.

    1. I do recommend making the bead bots, is easy and fun.

  5. Crazy and great stuff. Well done.

  6. Those are great quirky figures and so well painted.

  7. Very well sculpted and painted "weird shit"!

  8. Great post, love the monster sculpt and the voodoo doll but the bead bots are really great!
    Best Iain

  9. Disturbingly weird figures - well executed!

  10. Love that whacky creation you came up with, Geoff. I think, 'Monster Bash 3' sums him(?) up nicely.
