Thursday 12 January 2023

From GeoffreyT: Nuns and Guns (Lady Sarah's Limousine)(55 points)

Hello Challengers,

Having exited the Super-heroes studio, I find myself at a dead end, so hail down the Limousine for a luxury ride.

In payment for my trip, I offer up three nun cheerleaders.

These ladies are 28mm scale metals by Shadowforge miniatures.  I picked them up at a secondhand bring-and-buy, but I believe you can still get them from Eureka miniatures.  

I gave them pom-poms in the colour of my favourite elven union blood bowl team.  Why the nun's are supporting the elves is anyones guess.

As we drive thru the APHC studios we spot some unrelated Warzone miniatures by defunct company Heartbreaker.

The big guy took the martial training advice "don't shoot the gun, be the gun" a little too literally and became the gun in a physical sense.

He has three little helpers with tubes in their head, because this is what you need when you have become a gun.  Well strictly you only need two according to the 25 year old rule set, but this gun-man is extra lucky help wise.


7 x 28mm miniatures = 35 points

1 x Limo bonus = 20 points

Total = 35 points.

... the Limousine has stopped, and I bundle out, in front of the Arthouse studio, what on earth will i find in there...

I'll tell you what I found in the next post.


From TeemuL: The Cheerleading Nuns are excellent and will provide you a nice ride to Arthouse studio, but the Warzone minis are fantastic! Black and White on the nuns is tricky to paint and photo, these strange creatures really show how nicely you can paint.


  1. Great looking nuns, like none I've had dealings with to be honest, but they look good and the weird gun man and helpers is ace!
    Best Iain

  2. What a great post! Lovely paint work

  3. Wacky bunch. I especially like the nuns. I find it best not to question the odd practices of certain religious orders, like cheering for elves.

  4. Great brushwork, Geoffrey. I'll echo the others with a special thumbs up on the cheerleaders with a habit (or three).

  5. Some great painting, Geoff! The nuns are great but the gunman team is hilarious!

  6. The nuns are great Geoff, but loving the gunman team


  7. Well done Geoff, good colour choices

  8. Great work and the nuns are superb.
