Thursday 12 January 2023

From JezT: Post 1 - Normans 28mm (84 Points)

Dear All 

Hi first post for me in this challenge and great to be back again! Now enthusiastically painting after a long gap - to be honest not painted much since the last challenge! Anyway starting with a batch of Norman infantry. These are designed to expand my Norman range so that I can play Basic Impetus using the slightly later Anglo Norman army 1072 -1154. The signature battle here being the Battle of the Standard. 

One of my favourite historical fiction books is "Knight in Anarchy by George Shipway which covers this period. 

My old 1971 paperback copy - you may know Imperial Governor another good read 

My Normans started as a Saga band so are individually based and I then use a sabot base for Basic Impetus units. These figures are all from Footsore - really impressed as I bought these when they were offering a great value 20% off even though a small order. I needed some extra infantry Foot and they fit in well with my original Saga Gripping Beast Norman figures. 

First I have 8 basic Spearmen and I also got a pack of 4 archers - I did not really need these but really liked the extra variety of pose compared to my Saga Norman archers.

Impetus bases with heavy infantry unit screened by Skirmishers

Also a new feature for the later Anglo Normans is that I need a unit of Welsh light infantry spearmen. These are technically sold as Picts but think they "fitted the bill" or fitted the long spear perfectly.  

So 16 figures in total so should be 80 points to get me going plus also one squirrel point for that challenge. Next up will be some extra cavalry to finish these reinforcements. 

Cheers Jez

From TeemuL: Welcome back to the Challenge, Jez! Some good looking Normans. The bases look interesting, is that just small rocks and static grass? I'll give you some extra points for hand-painted shields.


  1. Great looking dark age types, I like the book cover too!
    Best Iain

  2. These look awesome. Love the shield work.

  3. They look great. I have a 4 point Norman Saga band sitting in a box undercoated ready to go. Thanks for the inspiration. Might get off my butt and finish them now. Nice work and love the colours.

  4. Lovely work on these Normans, Jez! I'm definitely going to track down that book. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Nice Norman types, love the shields. I've morphed Welsh into Picts and here you done the counter morph.

  6. They look absolutely great, Jez! I admire your shields, nice work.

  7. Liking those, I do like Normans


  8. Those are great figures indeed!

  9. Wonderful work. Top notch shields.

  10. Excellent brushwork on the Norman's Jez.
