Saturday 28 January 2023

The Saturday Science Centre

Hello all and welcome to the Saturday Science Centre.

Saturday's crew of paint researchers, brush specialists and miniature intelligentsia have used all their know-how and fancy-pants book learning to bring you a number of treatises on a broad range of subjects. Their goal is to educate, enlighten and perhaps even entertain the bright inquisitive minds of their fellow challengers. So slip on your reading glasses, grab your notebooks and prepare to open your minds.

On the curriculum for today:

Professor Millsy will be giving a lecture on biodiversity and how best to consume all that juicy biomass.

Doctor MartijnN has a research paper on the fauna of Arabia and the Himalayas

Our resident mad scientist RayR will be demonstrating the beauty of miniaturising everything in sight in his display titled 'Honey, I Shrunk the War'.

That renowned egghead GregB is going to give you a break down of all the latest advances in weapons technology.

Top boffin ChrisW will show you the benefits and drawbacks of crossbreeding your own strains of mutant horrors.

And there are sure to be several other theses awaiting peer review that may yet find time to join this high-level forum.


  1. Thanks, Stuart, and have a great weekend!

  2. Have a fun Saturday, Stuart! :)

  3. Saturday seems to be a proper Challenge Day after a lazy Friday. Have fun and stay busy!

    1. The Saturday crew make me work far too hard.

  4. Thanks for the heads up Stuart. I’ve donned my hazmat suit and am ready to begin

  5. You've had a great day of it, Stuart. Thank you for all your hard work, Professor.
