Saturday 14 January 2023

The Saturday Symposium

    It's that time of the week again, time to relax and unwind after a hard five days at work by viewing the masterpieces in miniature of the Saturday crew. Feel free to pull up a chair, a mug of your favourite beverage and browse through their output. Along the way, comment, discuss and enjoy a convivial discussion or two with fellow patrons of our Saturday Symposium.

    In no particular order: 

Get lost in the jungle and confronted by naked pagans courtesy of ScottR, 

Gaze upon magnificent edifices erected by the municipality of Millsy, 

Marvel as the brushwork of Barks takes you from the green lands of the shire to the blood red sands of the arena, 

Take a step back in time to the beginning of the Great War as MartijnN marshals his men.

Listen to the tales of old heroes as RayR regales us with Homer's stories of high adventure.

And then cower in fear as GregB decides it's time to let the galaxy burn.

    Hopefully we will have a few extra guests joining us throughout the day with a plethora of figures for us to peruse.