Saturday 14 January 2023

Steve K - Riders of Rohan and some tiny Bavarians 98Pts

 Now then,

This week has all been about the Cavalry, Big and small! 

First up we have 8 Riders of Rohan, oldies but goodies, I really dont "need" any more of these, but when has that stopped any of us?

I had to make a few conversions here and there to this batch, as I was dredging the bottom of the box, and many bits were missing so you might see the odd Orc shield and axe here and there!

Next I thought id get some more of the never ending Napoleonics done. This time a base of Bavarian Chevauleger. 

As usual, these are 6mm Adler miniatures, and are based up for Blucher.

I havent added flags to these, as I cant work out what they would have carried. It seems that they didnt have flags, or they werent carried on campaign, although the miniatures have a standard bearer, carrying a flag pole. I dont know!.... They can be added later if needs be.

Scores on the doors!

8 x 28mm Mounted = 80pts

18 x 6mm Mounted = 18pts

Total 98pts.

So thats all from me this week. Have a good weekend everyone.


Great looking batch of horsemen, Steve. The Riders of Rohan look suitably wild compared to the well dressed lines of the Bavarians. I'm impressed by how neat the Napoleonics look, if it hadn't been for the final comparison shot, I wouldn't have believed that they were 6mm. Nice work.


  1. The Riders of Rohan are always great, and yours certainly are, but I love those Bavarians. I’m usually not a big fan of tufts or grassy things on 6mm bases as it is rather tricky to get the scale right, but you have nailed it, Steve. They look excellent!

  2. Excellent cavalry in both scales, Steve! :)

  3. Fine riders - in both scales! Looking great.

  4. Fabulous cavalry! Riders of Rohan are a constant crowd-pleaser, but I especially like the Chevaulegers.

  5. Fine, great, you can turn out truly excellent stuff in two radically different scales, must be nice to have such talent : ) Your Napoleonic 6mm is making me believe that 6mm is the one true scale! Just marvelous.

  6. Fabulous entry, the riders of Rohan are great and loving the Bavarians!


  7. Lovely looking cavalry in two scales and eras. Really like the overall effect on the Rohan riders. Napoleonic era cavalry did not likely carry flags into battle, but it looks nice if your units do!

  8. Wonderful work, Steve! I like the parting shot as I really appreciate the napoleonic troops more seeing them look so tiny with the Rohan cav!

  9. Both units are very good, but boy do I love those Bavarians you did them up very well!

  10. two superb entries, it must be so hard to paint 6mm so well
