Tuesday 14 March 2023

From Pete F: Ice Naiads [Arthouse](160 points)


With the end of Challenge XIII fast approaching, I feel lucky that I've managed to finish this unit of ice naiads for my Kings of War army.  We had a tournament at the weekend and I needed to get them done - just made it under the wire. 

This is my entry for the arthouse.  Partly because - blue skin! But mostly because I  shillied and shallied, lollyed and gagged, trying to come up with a colour scheme that would work. I wanted to do blue metallic armour - which one of them still has - but with the blue skin it was too blue.  I messed around with different hair colours, different furry bits. And so on.  It took forever. And I'm still not that happy with it - although as they say the best colour is finished.

I'm not saying I'm happy to see the back of them though - I have a few more to paint for smaller troop sized units - this large base is a horde.  

I enjoyed painting some of the details as the unit finally came together - mainly as a result of the time pressure.

This one slightly reminded me of the bad dude in Game of Thrones.

Fortunately the effort paid off and with a 3-2 record at the tournament I managed to squeeze in to the top eight in our region (we are by far the worst region!) and onto the team to compete at Kings of War's US  Masters in July - got to find a cheap flight to Nebraska.  

28 x 28mm foot plus 20 for the Art House = 160 points.

That's 4 greens and 4 blues (with Westerns being blue on the new scheme) - if there's time I'd like to paint something for the Director's Chair - what say you?

Well, it seems like you got past your doubts with the tests to have these ready for your game. Great work, and congrats on completing 4 studios for each of the Green and Blue zones. What say I? I say email the Show Lord and agree a task that you can complete before the Challenge ends!



  1. Strange criatures but nicely painted

  2. These are so fabulous. I love the colours and sense of movement.

  3. Also, drop me a note and we'll see if we can cook up something for you to do for the Director's Chair.

  4. That is a very colorful unit , Pete! I rather like them especially the basing with them pouring over the terrain features. Do try playing with the metallic blue armor on the smaller units as hue and color shift could still work. Maybe a more warmer green to blue? Excellent job on these though! And congrats on the tournament!

  5. Brilliant,riotous and superbly colourful

  6. Excellent brush work. Great colors.

  7. Splendidly colourful troops, I've got piles of weird metallic colours, which I never use and well done on getting on the team!
    Best Iain

  8. Very nice job, the colours work really well and I love the blue skin. All in all a very good looking unit!
