Tuesday 14 March 2023

From Curt: Let's Call him Dave (5 Points)

Hey there!

I know, I know. Last weekend I said that I'd not have another T28 entry before the end of the Challenge. But, you see, I couldn't let the last Tuesday slip past without another rootistic entry, even if it's only one measley figure. Right?! Riiight.

Let's see, what should we call this sturdy fella. I know! Let's call him 'Dave'! Yeah, somehow Dave seems to be the PERFECT name for him.

Dave is the first chap for an upcoming Brute unit. The rest of the unit won't make the Challenge deadline, but Dave felt he had to set an example. He's a good lad, showing up early, looking for new challenges, wanting to please. Never met a Dave I didn't like. 

Gosh, we've had so many Turnip28 entries on Tuesday that I think it will be remembered as 'Turnip Tuesday', right Dave? 


- Curt :)

*lol* Well, one could say that Dave was just begging to be turnipised one more time on a Tuesday, so it's good that you rose to the occasion. I, for one, will be rooting for Dave as he marches to the beet of the drum.

Does this mean that I won't be getting to minion one of your Empire units? Or will there be two posts from you today?



  1. Thanks for posting Dave up for me, Tamsin. And yes indeed, I have another 'small' Empire post for you later. Have a great day!

  2. Nice figure, Curt! I like the contrast of Conquistador helmet with gas mask!:) although I probably won't ever build any I do like all of the turnip troops I have seen. They are enjoyable for the macabre looniness of John Blanche and remind me of my youth when my toy armies were a mish-mash of periods and manufacturers clashing on my bedroom floor! 😀

  3. I will let you off as he’s called Dave . Nice job on me!

  4. Dave seems appropriate, nice job

  5. Just lying in the "weeds" waiting to taunt the Tuesday crew a second time. Well done.

  6. Magnetic! Don't know why, the models you've painted for this project are so attractive

  7. Breughal Dave looks ace!
    Best Iain

  8. He looks more like a Baldric to me, to be honest. But then again, what do I know about this turnip business? He is really nicely painted, that I can say!
