Sunday 14 January 2024

From LeeH: Merchants House (Library: New Acquisition) + Encampments (30pts)

I’m all Medieval with this entry so I am revisiting my Wars of the Roses project from last year. This Merchants House is a relatively new acquisition and was sent to me by 6MilPhil and is part of his recent Medieval Village Kickstarter. He sent me a whole set for review last year and I have painted most of the buildings now, apart from this one. So I decided it was time to pull my finger out and get it done. The figures are just for scale, these archers were painted for last year's challenge. 

In fact, while I was working on one building I may as well do another, so the Barn, also from the Kickstarter set. 

I have also been trying to clear up a few more little bits from my Wars of the Roses project and these items have been sitting around neglected for far too long. The Tents are from Leven Miniatures and as I have come to expect from this company are reasonably priced and the resin is nice to work with. I had painted a much more colourful set last year but I really didn’t like them so I bought two more sets and went instead with this much simpler colour scheme of off-white canvas with coloured trim. At the last minute, I decided to base them up as encampments and then decided to add the flags and trees. 

So, how to score this little lot?? Well, they are terrain so here are some dimensions. 

1x6mm Merchants House 3" x 2" x 2"
1x6mm Barn 2" x 1.5" x 1.5"
2 Medieval Encampments, each 5" x 3" x 1.5"

If my 'maffs' is correct that's not even close to a 6x6" cube (just over 61 cubic inches) so this little lot will be worth about 5 a couple for the flags maybe? However, I will claim the Challenge Library "New Acquisition" bonus of 20 points as the buildings were recently given to me by Phil Page (aka 6milphil of Slug Industries). So maybe that nudges the total up to about 27 points?? 

I'll leave the final decision in the hands of the judges. Better you than me! 😄

Lovely work here! More so considering the scale, one I am struggling with so it's great to see such inspiration to lean on later on. 

My maths are also terrible but I do like the extra work you have done here so let's just make life easier an call if a straight 30 PTS all in 😉



  1. As a university math instructor I will give Lees 100% on his maths and note that he’s at 28.4% of a cube. The BUA and the camps bothe look smashing.

  2. I love that merchant's house- a great little building.

  3. The extra points are much appreciated Kyle. I feel like I have had a slow start to the Challenge this year, but that's entirely my own fault. I keep getting distracted by little side projects!

  4. Very nice buildings! Terrain on this scale doesn't really give points, but it doesn't really matter. Good looking!

  5. I like the encampments in particular!

  6. Very nice pieces of terrain, Lee, the camps are really good!

  7. what a great entry love all the buildings but the tents are extra cool

  8. Very cool. The encampments are superb!

  9. Wonderful buildings Lee. The encampments are also ace. Well done.

  10. Very nice terrain! They look great with the figures.
