Sunday 14 January 2024

Sunday Funday - Least it's not a Monday..

 Sorry in advance to the Monday Minion for the title :D 

So a bit of a strange photo for today, but let me explain.. my partner was off to India this week to enjoy weather that was not of the freezing variety, and although she didn't see the Taj Mahal, she did get to enjoy 30 degree weather and sunshine while we in the UK got to have near freezing, and a light dusting of snow. 

But we have some great posts to go through today. Seems the challenge has awoken on the Sunday team, and we will be seeing a lot of different bits today!

From Tiny Buildings to French Looters. Goblins and Space Marines. Hairy men on horses, and just old school looters. And many more in between!

So go grab a cuppa, have a nice stare at the Taj Mahal above to think warm thoughts, and enjoy today's posts!


  1. Have a great day! Enjoy your UK weather, on the Canadian prairies we are sitting at -37C, -51C with the windchill.

    1. Wow.. yeah no thanks.. we will keep our 6C here for now.. though the Mrs is a bit upset she couldn't pack some of that 30C+ with her to bring back ..

  2. It's -22C with -35C wind chill here in sunny Wisconsin. Definitely a painting day.

    1. Really a paint day and then some for sure!

  3. the paint was drying before I could get it on my brush here which made for an unproductive day yesterday.
