Sunday, 5 January 2025

From BenitoV: Uruk Hai leader, Rulers and Tokens for Midgard (15 points+?)

This is my initial post for this year's Challenge, presenting an Uruk Hai leader and some tokens and rulers to use with Midgard, the recently published system to play battles in the Heroic Age by the Reisswitz Press/Too Fat Lardies stable. 

For those in the unknown, Midgard covers both historical and fantasy-based medium sized battles (between 60 and 100 minis) focused on the action of heroic leaders. Having stopped playing fantasy battles for almost 2 decades, this was an excellent opportunity to undust my old GW LOTR  minis and add some reinforcements.

My first project is an Uruk Hai army. I already owned enough models to create a 200 points army, short of the 300-350 minimum needed to play a battle. For this reason, I'm looking now for reinforcements, and the first step is this mounted leader (or "hero" in the Midgard parlance), to be followed by a couple of warg-riding units.

The models presented today are 3D printed minis in 28mm from the Medbury's orcs range.   

Additionally I have printed and painted the rulers and tokens needed to play with these rules. The rulers are used to move units and to measure distances to charge or shot missiles. The tokens represent units with close combat advantage (red arrows with swords) and units that have already shot in the turn (green ovals with the quiver and arows).

In terms of points the post is worth 15 points for sure (10 points for the mounted model and 5 points for the model on foot) and I will leave to the discretion of the minion-on-duty to account some additional points for the rulers and markers 


Welcome back to the Challenge Benito!

Great and terrifying addition to your Urak Hai army, that warg is especially fearsome!

In addition to your 15points, I will assign another 2pts for the 3D printed tokens/markers for a total of 17 points

Cant wait to see the rest of your Midgard project

- Sarah


  1. great first postBenito, love the warg

  2. I'm interested to see how well Midgard works, especially for LotR.

  3. Excellent hero command stand. Always fun to resurrect an underplayed army for a new game system.

  4. Great work, Benito! I love the transitions on the Warg’s fur coat. And I’ll be interested to know what you think of Midgard!

  5. I love the wargrider and his jaunty helmet.

    I'm also interested in how well Midgard works as a fantasy miniatures system.

  6. That warg watches hungrily to the drummer. Nice job!

  7. Excellent work Benito. I too have made the Midguard leap. Your figures and rendition are great. Enjoy and looking forward to more Midguard units.

  8. Welcome back to Challenge and welcome back to Middle Earth fantasy!

  9. I just played a game of Midgard yesterday for the first time, using , my LoTR Haradrim. Lots of fun .

  10. Great entry Benito for what I think is going to turn out to be one of my favourite rulesets

  11. Very nice command vignette Benito. Looking forward to looking over the rules. I have to admit I'm a little gunshy after the impenetrable 'O Group'.

    1. We gave an early version of Midgard a test play Curt with my El Cid figures. It was a bit of a disaster if you recall, mostly down to me. I've got an electric version plus hard copy in the Post backlog somewhere. I'd like to give them another go when they get here.

    2. Gosh, I must have blocked it from my memory. Nonetheless, I'm sure we still had fun. :)

  12. Pretty cool Benito, good stuff!

  13. Excellent and terrifying work.

  14. Splendid looking Orc command group, I've picked up Midguard primarily as a Dark age rule set but there's a chance some fantasy might sneak in!
    Best Iain
