Sunday, 5 January 2025

From SanderS: The First Post is Away! (70 points)


Let's start with wishing everybody a good and healthy 2025! It has taken me a while but I have managed to finish some figures to put in an entry before the great culling. This Challenge a large part of my painting efforts will go towards Mordheim and the Old World. This post is no exception as I present some of my latest Mordheim figures. 

First up is my Middenheim Warband, which I am going to use in the new 2025 campaign at the club starting this Friday.

The henchmen are basically the plastic Mordheim mercenaries with space wolf and Middenheim bits added.

The Captain and Wolf Priest are GW white metal originals, I love these old school sculpts a lot!

The two champions shown below are plastics where I took the bodies of some Empire figures and added Mordheim bits. 

Apart from the Middenheimers I have been painting up some other figures as well. With a good friend and Arthur we have played a Procession of Morr mini-campaign which is super story driven and thematic with at least 4 locations that require purpose made terrain so our 3D printers were doing overtime. Anyway each warband is also joined by a Priest of Morr and I am really happy with my conversion for this figure. The body is a redemptorist from the old metal Necromunda range and there are all kinds of plastic bits added.

Next are two of my Reikland heroes, before anybody starts correcting me: I am well aware that the colours for Reikland are blue and red, not blue and white (which are actually reserved for Middenheim) but these are my toy soldiers and I like the scheme. 

Last and most definately least is this posessed figure for my Cult of the Posessed Choas warband. I dislike the figure a lot and had next to no inspiration. He lingered a long time on the painting bench awaiting a colourscheme. In the end I let my youngest son choose two paints he liked and used them to the result you see below. All I can say is that I am happy to see him finished and out of the cue.

Last september I had the honour of meeting the great Tuomas Pirinen, writer of Mordheim and many other Oldhammer treasures, in the flesh at the Crisis Convention in Antwerp. He's the person in the white shirt in the picture below, yours truly is the bloke in black (Arthur is hidden behind Tuomas) and the guys in the olive green jackets are the people from Owlhammer (look them up on facebook) whose great Mordheim table we met Tuomas at. So you can imagine how this sparkled the Mordheim flame even further. 

Tuomas was at the event to promote his new game Trench Crusade and while the rules look really interesting (holding somewhere between Mordheim and full blown WFB) the hard core horror background of the game is really not my cup of tea. 

Now this brings us to counting up the score and 14 figures in approximately 28mm scale makes for 70 points. I am already preparing for my first entry into the lower circles of Hell with some Limbo figures so see you all later!

Cheers Sander


Welcome back to the Challenge!

Great looking warbands and well done conversions. Mordheim seems to be a favourite and  its pretty cool that you met the writer in Antwerp. 

I quite like your least favourite, the lime green and pink possessed Cultist is awesome looking (definitely always take colour suggestions from the kiddos!)

Congratulations on the 70 points  and I can't wait to see what  is waiting  in Limbo

- Sarah


  1. Excellent start Sander. Your Mordheim passion brings back memories of games past. The figures are great and I really like the two old school metal wolf priest and captain.

    1. Thanks Bruce, Mordheim is a huge part of my gaming at the moment and I am sure there's more to come.

  2. Smart use of the color: "We are not wearing uniforms, but we are a band".

    1. Thanks, that was exactly what I was aiming for.

  3. Excellent job in tying those together through the colour scheme, Sander. I am envious of your neat stripes! Incidentally, I'm sad to have apparently missed you at Crisis! Must do a better job this year. I'll be the other bloke wearing his reading glasses on a cord around his neck :-)

    1. Thanks for your kind words and yes we should definitely make arrangements for next Crisis!

  4. Love the colours on these guys

  5. Great work Sander. Love the kitbashing going on.

    1. Thanks, yes it is fun thinking of how you can optimize the parts you have lying around

  6. Happy New Year Sander! Lovely work here, I especially like how you've incorporated Space Wolf bits to give your Mordheim warband with a more wolfy look. That campaign sounds like a heap of fun - post some pics if you can in the future. Great work!

    1. It is a lot of fun but my captain suffered the freshly painted syndrome and died in thefirst game, like really died...

  7. Lovely job Sander - always love old school Mordheim figs!
    HNY to you too!

  8. Great painting. Your warband has a lot of character. I feel the same way about Trench Crusade. Very interesting setup but the horror vibe does not inspire me.

  9. love the selection of minis and you've done a cracking job on them

  10. I haven't played Mordheim in years, but it was always a fun time.

    I know you said you didn't like the Chaos Cultist, but he definitely has that Chaos vibe going on, almost like he's caught in a tug of war between Nurgle and Slanesh.

  11. Striking posessed! And great brushwork on the others, too.
    Btw, did I mention that Tuomas is from Finland? :)

  12. Great work Sander, and welcome to AHPC XV! I love that Reiklander fellow with the greatsword - I have one of those leading an Empire unit in my "Old World" collection - great to see another one painted up (and, as you say, in the colours you like!)

  13. There's some seriously cool old skool GW kit in this post mate. Love your colour choices and quality of detail. Cracker!

  14. It’s amazing how character you can create with a paint brush. You really captured the essence of these figures.
