Sunday, 5 January 2025

From MartijnN: Anglo-Saxons. Again? (60 points)

Well, here I am in my fifth Challenge. I had really, really, really wanted to get a submission in before the New Year this time, but ah well. Anyway, just like last year, here are some Anglo-Saxon Ceorls. I will probably be using them for Saga mainly, or perhaps for Lion Rampant or Midgard. They are fairly generic men with pointy sticks, so will quite easily pass for any type of Dark Age or even medieval lightish infantry. 

These are plastic Warlord figures. I really like the metal Warlord miniatures, so decided to give the plastic ones a go. To be honest, the experience has not been altogether entirely satisfying. I am definitely not an experienced builder, not do I particularly like doing it, but I had a bit of a struggle with these. In  particular, I found the necks and heads a poor fit. I ended up having quite a number of Louis van Gaal-type longnecks in the forces. Also, the details on the figures are quite soft, making them hard to distinguish at times. Still, I think they will do; which is just as well, as I have still one box and a half left of them....


I used the waterslide decals supplied with them on the shields. Applying those was a daunting task as well, again mainly due to my inexperience (and perhaps just a little lack of patience). Previously, my only experience was with the Little Big Men sticker type decals (which work very well), and the waterslide ones were quite obstinate. But again, they will do.


A simple paint job for simple figures, mainly using contrast and speedpaints, but a welcome addition to my collection nevertheless, and at least I am on the board now!

Scoring is simple too:

12x 28mm foot @ 5 = 60 points. And a squirrel.



Hi Martijn
Lovely to see some Anglo Saxons and the decals look really good! I get overwhelmed just thinking about decals .....
Contrast and speed paints are alot of fun and your figures have turned out well.

Congrats on the 60points and don't forget to update your Squirrel Points with PeterD

- Sarah


  1. Nice job, fight saxons vs vikings tomorrow

  2. Those look great Martijn. I’ll take your anti recommendation on the Warlord Plastics. Try the Victrix ones next time,

    1. Thanks Peter, I do have some Victrix lying around somewhere, must give them a try.

  3. Good work. This reminds me that I need to reinforce my Saga's Saxon and Viking hosts to be used with idgard in the future

    1. Thanks Benito! My copy of Midgard is still in the post, looking forward to it.

  4. I know you had some challenges with these (that being very thematic considering the setting here) but I think they look very good. Love the Louis van Gaal reference (had to look that up!) Personally I try to steer away from multipart models as much as possible and love one-piece metals. I especially like the draco bearer. I'll take him next time we play. Maybe he'll give me the nudge to a victory! ;)

    1. Thanks Curt, you’re welcome to him! A little nudge would be quite enough, I would like that.

  5. Lovely Ceorls - welcome back to the fray Martijn!

  6. Nice work Martijn, these came out very well notwithstanding the challenges in assembly!

    1. Thanks Simon, luckily the assembly is soon forgotten when they are on the painting desk!

  7. They look great. Nice to see our Friday minion setting a good standard for us :)

    1. Well, don’t know about that but thanks Adam!

  8. great submission, I know the last plastics I had from these guys I ended up giving away, I think you've done a great job

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks, they came out okay in the end!

  10. Multipart models offer lots of room to customize a force, but I often find assembly is as daunting as painting. So I feel the pain.

    It's worth it, though, seeing these models turn out nicely.

    1. Thanks Robert. That is true, although I sometimes have trouble deciding, given all those options!

  11. It will forever be the case that one-piece metal figures > multi-part plastics. But whatever issues you had building them, it all came out well in the end! Nice work Martijn.

  12. As you said, they'll do! Sometimes there are chores to do, but it is good to try new things. At least you know and don't have to do second guessing.

  13. I’m with you Martijn on the preference of not multi-part models. These did turn out well. Great brush and shields work. Well done.

  14. Build struggles aside Martjin these have turned out very well

  15. All trouble aside, these miniatures really do look very good! Good to see you back in the saddle Martijn.

  16. The shield decals look flawless to me. It’s always the most anxious part for me because they can make or break a unit. These look great!

  17. I quite like assembling plastic figures to be honest but Warlord Saxons are the old Wargames Factory which are particulary poor multi part plastic figures ,so I think you have done a splendid job in both assembling and painting them so well, the transfers are great too, for dark ages multi part plastic figures try Victrix, Gripping Beast or Wargames Atlantic!
    Best Iain

  18. As others have said, those old Wargames Factory and now Warlord plastic figures are pretty dire. They were one of the first historical plastic 28mm ranges and there has been a LOT of learning done by manufacturers since.
    You have a great job of assembling and painting them. Make it easier on yourself and give Victrix or Gripping Beast plastics a go next.
