Sunday, 5 January 2025

Side Duel Update January 5th

PeterD Duels Wallah here.  There's been some activity with the side duels, see the nifty pie chart below and the separate page with all the gory details.

A couple of quick admin notes on these Duels.

  • If you want your posts recorded for a Duel, then you need to fill in the form.  And yes RayR, I am talking to you!
  • It helps your Duels Wallah if you record your scores as number without a plus sign (+) in front.  If you type "95" Google Sheets and your aged Side Duel Wallah record this as the number 95.  if you type in "+95"  Google Sheets records this as text and you run the risk of Human error in translating this to values.
  • There's Duels for the taking fir anyone who gets their act in order and makes a post.


  1. Thanks for the update Peter!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul. Much easier once that I noticed I could download the data as an excel file.

  3. Replies
    1. Typical… the link between the picture of the hands drawing XV and the points scoreboard.
